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The constant dialogue and knowledge transfer between those responsible from business and society and Leuphana University of Lüneburg guarantees valuable impulses and new ideas for both sides as well as an effective impact for society. This is why Leuphana promotes cooperation, exchange and networking with companies and organisations in various formats. Take advantage of our offers!
Leuphana endeavours to respond to the specific innovation needs of business and society with its research. To this end, the Cooperation Service connects researchers and practice partners so that forward-looking solutions can be found in joint research projects on pressing issues and challenges. The Cooperation Service supports these practice-orientated projects in planning and implementation and, if necessary, helps with the acquisition of funding.
Cooperation platforms at Leuphana promote the exchange between university researchers and external players from the field. At the same time, the platforms also create a suitable infrastructure to facilitate a general exchange between companies and organisations in the Lüneburg region. In this way, Leuphana becomes a place of multilateral dialogue for the benefit of society.
Innovation needs a method. An innovation process always requires the right methods to find ideas and develop them further in a targeted manner. To this end, the Cooperation Service team has a wide range of transfer management and creative thinking methods at its disposal. And, of course, we are constantly endeavouring to supplement the existing toolbox in a meaningful way together with Leuphana researchers. Benefit from our experience and let us inspire you!
Are you interested in our co-operation offers? Then get in touch with us! The co-operation service will be happy to advise and inform you about the possibilities of cooperation.
Andrea Japsen
Universitätsallee 1, C40.M14
21335 Lüneburg
Fon +49.4131.677-2971