Promoting research and teaching

©Leuphana Universität/Jannis Muser
Young researchers in the central building

Leuphana University Lüneburg sees itself as a topic-oriented university. It is dedicated to current research questions that are of concern to 21st-century civil society. In order to facilitate the interdisciplinary research necessary for this, Leuphana's research activities are based in university-wide, inter- and transdisciplinary research initiatives. Each initiative is led by one of the five faculties: Education, Cultural Studies, Management & Technology, Sustainability and, most recently, Governance and Democracy. Our researchers work on a variety of interdisciplinary and transdisciplinary cross-cutting issues.

Endowed chairs

Endowed professorships enrich the university in a very special way. By setting up an endowed professorship, you can sponsor fields of development that are relevant to you for at least five years from 100,000 euros p.a. and thus make an exclusive contribution to the further development of a field of research. Funding is generally possible in all of our research areas. The funding of such a professorship is usually a donation for the promotion of science and, like the exact duration, is contractually regulated between us. Over 160 professors from our four faculties conduct interdisciplinary research into socially relevant issues in our science initiatives. Expand the circle of our experts.

Doctoral scholarship

PhD studies

Doc­to­ral can­di­da­tes at Leu­pha­na Gra­dua­te School en­ga­ge in­ten­si­ve­ly and above all in­ter­ac­tive­ly with sci­ence, re­se­arch and their com­mu­ni­ty of fel­low doc­to­ral stu­dents, post-doc stu­dents, pro­fes­sors and part­ners from prac­tice in Ger­ma­ny and bey­ond. Com­pre­hen­si­ve fun­ding is avail­able. Engage yourself with a PhD-scholarship to give the next ge­ne­ra­ti­on of re­se­ar­chers, sci­en­tists and aca­de­mics wide-ran­ging na­tio­nal and in­ter­nal re­se­arch ex­pe­ri­ence at Leuphana Graduate School.

Guest scientist

Every year, Leuphana hosts international academics who are sought and found by the faculties and university management around the world and invited to Lüneburg. This strengthens Lüneburg as a centre of knowledge and enhances our reputation in the academic community. With your donation you can support the stay of the fellows, the guest researchers.

Every international project also involves a joint exchange: with your donation, you can support participants from developing countries attending major scientific conferences at Leuphana, for example, by covering travel costs or providing accommodation for students and lecturers.


Have you heard about a project that you find interesting and would like to support? Get in touch with us and we will put you in touch with the project manager. You will find interesting projects in the areas of research, teaching and knowledge transfer. We also welcome your own ideas for projects or topics that you would like to support.

Our research focusses


We have been training teachers for over 70 years. Founded by the British in 1946 as a teacher training college, the university was intended to help establish a new democratic tradition in Germany by training teachers. Today, our academics are still helping to turn young student teachers into well-trained staff for Germany's schools. More about our educational research

Cultural Studies

Cultural studies are almost as closely associated with Lüneburg as the teaching profession. Our graduates, the ‘Kuwis’, have been influencing the cultural scene as well as the media and publishing industry in Hamburg and Berlin for decades, but are also making their mark internationally. In 2010, our Faculty of Cultural Studies was the strongest in Germany. Since 2013, a DFG Research Training Group has been researching: ‘Media Cultures of Computer Simulation’. More about our cultural research


The topic of sustainability has been firmly anchored in research and teaching in Lüneburg for many years: an environmental science department was founded in the 1990s and Europe's first Faculty of Sustainability was established here in 2010. We have the UNESCO Chair ‘Higher Education for Sustainable Development’ and the world's first MBA on corporate sustainability management. More about our sustainability research

Management and entrepreneurship

Why have we given this branch of research such an awkward name? Quite simply because ‘economics’ alone does not do justice to the aspirations of our scientists. The members of our largest faculty combine business administration, computer science and engineering and conduct research into success strategies for companies. More about our research on management and technology


You would like to promote yourself?
We will be happy to advise you.

Dörte Krahn
Universitätsallee 1, C40.M26
21335 Lüneburg
Fon +49.4131.677-1554

Ass. iur. Katharina Anna Mittrach
Universitätsallee 1, C40.M26
21335 Lüneburg
Fon 04131.677-1959