
©Leuphana Universität/Jannis Muser
[Translate to Englisch:] Chancen verbessern mit einem Stipendium.

Our students and doctoral candidates want to assume social responsibility and enjoy the freedom to set their own goals at a very early stage with us. By taking on a scholarship, you are opening up new prospects for a talented young person in their studies or doctorate. In addition to this very personal gift, you are also securing Germany's leading position in business and science, because demographic change means there is a shortage of outstandingly qualified specialists in this country, too. With your help, we want to change that.


©Leuphana/Patrizia Jäger
[Translate to Englisch:] Deutschlandstipendium als besondere Auszeichnung vergeben.


The Deutschlandstipendium is the largest public-private partnersip in Germany's educational sector. The resulting network of universities, sponsors and scholarship holders benefits all the stakeholders. More than 140 Mio. Euro were given from private sponsors, such as foundations, societies, private individuals and companies. With a donation of 150 Euro you can support one year of a students life cycle. As the Federal Government spent also 150 Euro, a succesful candidate will receive 300 Euro per month. If you want, you get to know your student. Become part of a growing network which was established in a joint effort between the Federal Government, universities and private sponsors!


©Jenny Wenck für Leuphana
[Translate to Englisch:] Das Chancenstipendium für in Not geratene Studierende

Shortly before graduation, students with children and students with chronic illnesses/disabilities may find themselves in a crisis situation. The multiple stresses threaten to have a negative impact on the duration of studies and especially on graduation. It becomes even more problematic when, in times of the Corona pandemic, childcare facilities are closed, visits to doctors' offices are made more difficult, social networks are lost, and opportunities to earn money are eliminated. Scholarships or other funding for students with disabilities or chronic illnesses are, overall, very few in the funding landscape. In October 2020, the E. W. Kuhlmann Foundation initiated the "Opportunity Scholarship", which for the first time provided 10 scholarships in the amount of €500, thus enabling students to successfully complete their studies at the university in a unique way. If you would also like to support students in need, please contact us.

PhD Studies

©Leuphana/Patrizia Jäger
Graduiertenfeier 2019

PhD studies

Doc­to­ral can­di­da­tes at Leu­pha­na Gra­dua­te School en­ga­ge in­ten­si­ve­ly and above all in­ter­ac­tive­ly with sci­ence, re­se­arch and their com­mu­ni­ty of fel­low doc­to­ral stu­dents, post-doc stu­dents, pro­fes­sors and part­ners from prac­tice in Ger­ma­ny and bey­ond. Com­pre­hen­si­ve fun­ding is avail­able. Engage yourself with a PhD-scholarship to give the next ge­ne­ra­ti­on of re­se­ar­chers, sci­en­tists and aca­de­mics wide-ran­ging na­tio­nal and in­ter­nal re­se­arch ex­pe­ri­ence at Leuphana Graduate School.

©Cornelia Suhan
[Translate to Englisch:] Eigenes Stipendienprogramm an der Leuphana entwickeln

Create your own scholarship

As a company or a foundation, you can develop an indvidual suport for our students. Create a scholarship and finance workshops for a high performance management of the scholars. in addition to that you can offer a work experience or an internship at your organizations. Talk to us. 


You would like to promote yourself?
We will be happy to advise you.

Dörte Krahn
Universitätsallee 1, C40.M26
21335 Lüneburg
Fon +49.4131.677-1554

Ass. iur. Katharina Anna Mittrach
Universitätsallee 1, C40.M26
21335 Lüneburg
Fon 04131.677-1959