Conferences and Events

Various Leuphana event formats mediate between business, society and science and bring the players together. The exchange is intensified through working groups, practical networks, information and transfer forums, trade fairs and congresses. This has a fruitful and stimulating effect for all those involved: business can formulate direct needs, while science benefits from input from practice and can thus shape its research work in an application-oriented way.

Leuphana Digital Leadership Campus

©Prof. Dr. Sabine Remdisch
©Leuphana/Jannis Muser

If you want to be successful in the digital age, you need one thing above all else: strong digital leadership performance. The virtual Digital Leadership Campus at Leuphana University of Lüneburg for specialists and managers in the field of human resources as well as scientists and students will explore how this can be sustainably trained, which tools provide support and how teams can be optimally positioned in the digital field of work. For one day, a sophisticated circuit training programme and selected sparring partners from science and business are available in the virtual space to develop every leadership muscle. We will also go live to Silicon Valley for our panel session. Participation in the Digital Leadership Campus is free of charge - register now:

Leuphana University Charity Golf Cup

©Michaela Hoek
©Michaela Hoek
©Michaela Hoek

With its charity golf tournament, Leuphana University Lüneburg is making a sporting contribution to supporting its highly qualified students with additional scholarships. At the same time, the Leuphana University Charity Golf Cup is intended to facilitate sporting encounters and exciting dialogue between business and academia.

Creative Thinking X

©Hannes Harnack
©Hannes Harnack
©Hannes Harnack

Once a year, Leuphana brings together experts, visionaries, and innovators from business and academia to collaboratively explore current trends in creative thinking with playfulness and a spirit of experimentation. CT-X combines the ambition of a conference with the fun of a fairground—offering a fresh, inspiring event experience.

Recruiting Dinner


The Recruiting Dinner offers you the opportunity to talk to young academic talent. The focus of the evening is on personal dialogue between recruiters and students. As a potential employer, you can present your corporate culture and career opportunities at the dinner.



The company contact fair FOR YOUR CAREER offers the opportunity to establish personal contacts with qualified young professionals. The focus of the fair is on personal dialogue between employers and students and alumni of Leuphana University Lüneburg. Exhibiting employers can present their corporate culture and career opportunities. They can answer questions from interested parties and look specifically for committed young talent.

10 Minutes


The four "10 Minutes" series aim to inspire further thinking beyond academic boundaries, each with a different focus: 10 Minutes That Make a Difference, 10 Minutes of Philosophy, 10 Minutes of Law, and 10 Minutes of Theology. These public lecture series take place in a "break format," with short presentations from 12:00 to 12:10 in Leuphana's lecture hall centre, offering insights into a variety of complex topics and questions.

Night of the Start-ups!

©Leuphana/Patrizia Jäger
©Leuphana/Patrizia Jäger
©Leuphana/Patrizia Jäger

Leuphana regularly hosts the Night of the Start-Ups! The event provides founders and those interested in founding start-ups with the opportunity to connect and network with entrepreneurs, investors, and other participants from business and academia. The focus is on networking, exchanging ideas, and inspiring new business models in a relaxed atmosphere.

Deutscher Baubetriebs- und Baurechtstag

©Viktoria-Louise Tietz
©Viktoria-Louise Tietz
©Viktoria-Louise Tietz

The German Construction Management and Construction Law Day brings together practitioners from the construction industry and academically qualified experts in construction law and construction management in Lüneburg to identify key practical issues and develop sustainable solutions.



Since 2012, the Leuphana Energy Forum has served as an annual conference connecting business, politics, academia, and civil society in Northern Germany. Through expert contributions, panel discussions, workshops, and side events, critical issues of the energy transition—such as citizen participation, new storage technologies, and the promotion of renewable energies—are discussed.