Participate on Alumni-Surveys

Since 2014, an annual alumni survey has been conducted among graduates to give them the opportunity to retrospectively evaluate their studies and their study programme. Leuphana is also interested in the professional careers of its alumni.

The results of the alumni survey are an important source of information

The alumni's assessments of their studies and professional life provide Leuphana University with valuable information for improving the quality of the individual study programmes and the way they are organised. The results are an important source of information for further optimising infrastructure and services or adapting course content to (professional) requirements. It is also of interest to current and future students to know how the transition from university to work is going, in which professional and occupational fields alumni are working, or how income and working hours are shaping up.

Surveys as direct feedback for studies and teaching

Graduates can participate in the alumni survey anonymously and voluntarily and use it as an opportunity to express praise, criticism and comments about the structure and content of their studies. The survey also serves to track professional development in order to adapt the study programme accordingly if necessary. If there are a sufficient number of responses, evaluations specific to the study programme are also prepared in addition to the overall report. The results of the surveys serve as a basis for advising on measures to further develop studies and teaching in the corresponding committees of the study programme.

Preparation for professional life during studies

The alumni survey is one of the so-called system surveys and supplements the graduation survey conducted since 2012 with the perspective of alumni who already have professional experience. The alumni survey provides more insights into career entry and the professional development of graduates. At the time of the survey, alumni are able to assess both their study programme and their professional requirements. The results are therefore particularly interesting with regard to the question of the extent to which the courses offered prepare students for the demands of professional life.

Further information

Contact details and further information on the alumni surveys can be obtained from Team Q.