
The generation, storage and marketing of renewable energy in the northern region

Where does eco power remain once the power grids are saturated? The competence tandem EnERgioN (Renewable Energies in the Northern Region) addresses the issue of how regional power from renewable energy sources can be locally stored and distributed. For this purpose, the research team assesses the installation and design of virtual power plant, which interconnect small, decentralised and usually privately-run power producers. The virtual power plant connects utility companies, network operators and consumers while coordinating power generation, storage and consumption. In order to store temporary surpluses of renewable electricity, the research team examines, amongst others, the Elbe Lateral canal in the pilot region Uelzen/Lueneburg, to assess to what extent the difference in elevation of a waterway at a canal lock can be used as regional energy storage.

Unlike previous research projects in the field of virtual power plants, EnERgioN cooperates with various small and medium sized municipalities. The project examines the applicability related to technical, legal and economic questions with a focus on decentralised storage solutions in the region.

The EnERgioN science and engineering team at Leuphana University of Lüneburg is led by Prof. Dr. Heinrich Degenhart, expert in the field of financing and financial management, Prof. Dr. Thomas Schomerus, expert for energy and environmental law, along with Prof. Dr. Detlef Schulz, expert for electrical energy systems at the Helmut-Schmidt-University in Hamburg.

EnERgioN organised the international symposium „European Renewable Energy Regions from a Legal Perspective“ held on 22-23 November 2012 in Lueneburg. Professionals from all over Europe discussed the legal frameworks for regional renewable energy projects for in the European Union and at national and local levels in various European nations and the United States.