New learning spaces have been created at Leuphana. Centrally located on the campus, an ensemble of teaching and learning spaces and student innovation spaces was created by remodelling rooms in the former row of shops.
These new exchange and networking opportunities have existed since the winter semester 2022/23: for innovation enthusiasts within the university as well as joint work with practice partners from business and civil society.
As experimental spaces for innovation and sustainable transformation, the rooms, their infrastructure and content were designed by students for students during operation and as part of curricular courses (room labs). The students of Leuphana's Social Change Hub and other practice partners from the region are involved as central partners, co-operators and co-developers.
The redesign was made possible by funding totalling 100,000 euros from the Stifterverband für die deutsche Wissenschaft and the Dieter Schwarz Foundation as part of the funding initiative ‘Raumlabore. Experimental spaces for future-orientated learning architectures’ funding initiative.