Alumni clubs: Social network and combined strength

Alumni and Friends Association of Leuphana University Lüneburg e.V. (AFL)

The Alumni and Friends Association of Leuphana University Lüneburg e.V. (AFL) is a constantly growing network of well over 1,000 members, consisting of alumni, students, teachers and sponsoring companies. With over 30 years of experience in university and student funding, the association contributes to the transfer of knowledge between theory and practice with various events and regularly supports project proposals from alumni, students and student initiatives The stated aims of the Alumni and Sponsorship Association are to support research and teaching at Leuphana University Lüneburg, to strengthen contact between graduates and with their university, and to promote exchange between alumni and students. To this end, the association regularly supports various activities and projects of Leuphana as well as those of alumni, students and student initiatives. Regularly funded projects include the start week, student initiatives, the central graduation ceremony and the Deutschlandstipendium (German scholarship) at Leuphana.

More about the Alumni- and Friends Association 

Member of the Business Law Forum

The Forum Wirtschaftsrecht Lüneburg (Lüneburg Business Law Forum) offers a network for former students and alumni of Leuphana, particularly in the fields of law and business law. The alumni and support association for business lawyers ‘WIRtschaftsrecht in Lüneburg e. V.’ is an amalgamation of the former support association ‘Wirtschaftsrecht in Lüneburg e. V.’ and the ‘Ehemaligenverein der ersten Abschlussjahrgänge medias res e. V.’.
The aims of the association include networking former students of law, students or bachelor's and master's students at the Leuphana University of Lüneburg's law school, and current students at the Faculty of State Studies.
More about the Business Law Forum

Become a member of the University Society

The work of the Leuphana University Society is to promote communication between the university and the Lüneburg region and to foster dialogue and relations between the university and the city for the benefit of both. It creates opportunities for encounters, exchange and understanding between members of the university, citizens of the city of Lüneburg, public institutions, companies, politics and administration. The University Society supports cooperative interests and activities in the region, thus enabling innovative forms of interaction between the university and the city. If you want to expand your network in the city with interesting contacts from science, business, politics and society, then the Leuphana University Society is open to you with numerous membership benefits. Leuphana alumni now have the exclusive opportunity to join the University Society at a reduced rate and pay only 30 euros instead of 50 euros in the first year of membership.