
Competently guide founders to success! With the Academy4Consultants basic programme, you will learn the most important tools and methods of start-up consulting and become part of a dynamic community.

Academy4Consultants is a qualification programme that aims to train prospective start-up consultants (basic programme) and more experienced start-up consultants (advanced programme) and thus contribute to quality assurance in start-up consulting at German universities.

We provide you with the knowledge and methods you need to be a good start-up counsellor and to support start-ups on their way to becoming a start-up. You will learn all the relevant content-related basics (hard facts) and soft skills that are necessary for successful and high-quality start-up counselling. Start-up consultants can also continue their education in in-depth modules and build up specialised consulting knowledge, e.g. in the areas of team coaching, entrepreneurial well-being and high/deep tech.

[Translate to Englisch:] Modulübersicht 2023/24
Modul Beratung & CoachingMi., 22.11.202310:00 - 17:00Beratungskompetenzenzen
Modul Beratung & CoachingDo., 23.11.202309:00 - 11:00Coachingkompetenzen
Modul Beratung & CoachingDo., 23.11.202313:00 - 16:30Finanzplanung
Modul Entrepreneurship & InnovationMi., 13.12.202309:00 - 14:00Digitale Geschäftsmodellentwicklung
Modul Entrepreneurship & InnovationMi., 13.12.202314.30 - 17:00Lean Startup
Modul Entrepreneurship & InnovationMi., 17.01.202409:00 - 13:00Pitching
Modul Entrepreneurship & InovationMi., 17.01.202414:00 - 15:30Impact Entrepreneurship
Modul RechtMi., 14.02.202409:00 - 12:00Gesellschaftsformen
Modul RechtMi., 14.02.202413:00 - 14:30Datenschutz
Modul RechtDo., 15.02.202409:00 - 12:00Steuerrecht
Modul RechtDo., 15.02.202413:00 - 14:30IP-Schutz
Modul FinanzierungMi., 14.03.202409:00 - 12:00Fördermöglichkeiten
Modul FinanzierungMi., 14.03.202413:00 - 16:00Fremdkapital
Modul FinanzierungFr., 15.03.202409:00 - 10:00Business Angels
Modul FinanzierungFr., 15.03.202411:00 - 12:30Venture Capital
Modul Marketing & SalesMi., 27.03.202414:00 - 16:30Markteintritt
Modul Marketing & SalesMi., 27.03.202410:00 - 12:30Vertrieb