Several specialised study programmes at the Faculty of Management and Technology focus on entrepreneurship
Bachelor's major in International Business Administration and Entrepreneurship
Master's degree programme in Entrepreneurship: Management and Entrepreneurship
For Master's students at the Leuphana Graduate School, the Faculty of Sustainability has also been offering the Leuphana Sustainable Entrepreneurship Certificate (L-SEC) since 2022, a voluntary, study-integrated programme to support students in developing entrepreneurial solutions to sustainability challenges.
The Leuphana Professional School offers the part-time Digital Entrepreneurship certificate programme. It deals with the founding of new companies based on digital business models and the (strategic) further development and management of these as well as the transformation of existing companies.
Numerous teaching programmes at Leuphana offer opportunities to develop your own entrepreneurial personality. Learning the scientific basis and gaining their own experience in practical projects awakens the entrepreneurial spirit and qualifies Leuphana students to develop and implement business models from their ideas and innovations.
Centre for Sustainability Management (CSM)
- Events and seminars on the topics of sustainable entrepreneurship, sustainable intrapreneurship, dissemination of sustainable innovations and the theory and practice of social entrepreneurship
- Awarding of theses
- To the website of the Centre for Sustainability Management
To the Website Centre for Sustainability Management
Chair of Banking, Finance and Start-up Management (GMLG)
- Lectures and exercises on the topics of start-up management and entrepreneurship
- Research colloquia
- Seminars on the topics of start-up counselling, start-up planning and start-up-relevant case study analyses
- Teaching research projects
- Business start-up simulation games
- Assignment of final theses
- Seminars and summer school in the complementary study programme (various topics relevant to start-ups)
- Leuphana start-up ideas competition
- To the website of the Chair of Start-up Management
Institute for Management and Innovation (IMO)
Institute for Information Systems (IIS)
- Awarding of theses on start-up topics related to the Internet
- Awarding of theses in the fields of entrepreneurial marketing, especially online marketing, IT and software-based start-up
To the website of the Institute of Information Systems
Since 2022, the Advisory Board has supported the Faculty of Management & Technology in the further development of its strategy and profile. Through their external perspective, its members contribute socially relevant topics to the discussion and reflection of the Faculty's disciplines and key research areas. The key topics of entrepreneurship and start-up support in particular benefit from the wide-ranging expertise of the advisory board members