Funding of the Deutschlandstipendium

Support talent and engagement: Information for donors

The Deutschlandstipendium represents a scholarship culture supported by the Federal government, universities and private sponsors. The Federal Government adds one euro to every euro donated by a private sponsor. This solidarity between state an society, between students and alumni, and between universities and inustry is strengthein our country and its skills base.

The donors of the Deutschlandstipendium 2024/25

The Leuphana University of Lüneburg awarded twenty-four Germany Scholarships to high-achieving students for the 2024 summer semester. The circle of private sponsors includes foundations, companies and associations, which, in addition to the Federal Ministry of Education and Research, finance half of each scholarship. The university would like to thank its sponsors:

  • Adalbert Zajadacz Stiftung
  • Alumni- und Förderverein der Leuphana Universität Lüneburg
  • CLAGE GmbH
  • Claudia Pörings
  • Expert Hanse-Verbund
  • Frank Schach
  • Leuphana Universitätsgesellschaft Lüneburg
  • Lions Club Lüneburg Ilmenau
  • Lucia-Pfohe-Studentenstiftung
  • plietsch! Steuerberatungsgesellschaft mbH
  • Sparkasse Lüneburg
  • Spendengemeinschaft Golfturnier
  • Stiftung der Volksbank Lüneburger Heide
  • Studio Hamburg Serienwerft GmbH / Rote Rosen
  • Univativ GmbH

Are you interested?

To become a sponsor, please contact:

Coordination at Leuphana

Dörte Krahn
Universitätsallee 1, C40.M26
21335 Lüneburg
Fon +49.4131.677-1554