Events and Programmes

©Leuphana/Jannis Muser
©Jason Goodman/ Unsplash
©STARTUP PORT/ Charles Sinn

Qualification and brainstorming

  • Start-up toolbox
  • STEP S - Student training for business development Sustainable

Networking & co-founder matching

  • Meet&Match - find your co-founder
  • Meet4Insights
  • Startup to go
  • Startup Meetup Lüneburg


  • HOLII - Holistic Impact Incubator

Female Entrepreneurship

  • Founders' breakfast
  • Female Entrepreneurship Week
  • scaleF - EXIST Women

For start-up consultants

  • ACADEMY4Consultants

Qualification and brainstorming

Start-up toolbox

Helpful methods and tools on your way to founding a company

In the online workshop series ‘Start-up Toolbox’ you will find the right tools for your start-up: In individual sessions, methods and tools are developed and applied together to give you helpful tools for your entrepreneurial journey.

This programme is offered as part of the Startup Port network.

Mehr Infos und Anmeldung auf der Website des Startup Ports

STEP S - Student training for business development Sustainable

Do you feel the entrepreneurial spirit inside you, but don't know exactly how to get started?  Do you have a great sustainable business idea but are unsure about the steps you need to take to realise it? Or are you just generally curious about whether you have what it takes to become an independent entrepreneur? In 12 sessions, STEP will help you develop ideas, start a business and boost your entrepreneurial confidence.

This programme is offered as part of the Startup Port network.

More information and registration on the Startup Port website

Networking & co-founder matching

Meet&Match - find your co-founder

The matchmaking event where people with ideas and people with expertise come together to take off together as a start-up team. Individual founders or start-up teams and people interested in founding a company from different universities and research institutions come together to exchange ideas across disciplines, network, share ideas, think them through together - and grow into ideal start-up teams.

This programme is offered as part of the Startup Port network.

More information and registration on the Startup Port website


By working together with start-ups to solve specific challenges from everyday start-up life, you will gain an insight into the work of newly founded companies and perhaps find your future co-founder along the way.

This programme is offered as part of the Startup Port network.

More information and registration on the Startup Port website

Startup to go

A walk to your foundation!

What could be better than starting the day with a good dose of start-up? Take a morning walk with our start-up advisors and discuss your idea!

This programme is offered as part of the Startup Port network.

More information and registration on the Startup Port website


Startup Meetup Lüneburg

Das Lüneburger Startup Meetup ist der Treffpunkt für alle  Interessierten aus Unternehmen, Wissenschaft und Gesellschaft, die sich mit der regionalen Startup-Szene vernetzen wollen. Das Netzwerk-Event dient dem lockeren Austausch und dem Knüpfen neuer Kontakte im regionalen Startup-Ökosystem.

Diese Event-Reihe wird organisiert vom Lüneburger Gründungs-Ökosystem.

Aktuell geplante Meetups findest du in den Terminen auf der


HOLII - Holistic Impact Incubator

Do you not only think about economic success when founding a company, but also about the social good? Our Impact Incubator helps you to increase the positive social impact of your start-up in the long term.

This programme is offered as part of the Startup Port network.

More information and registration on the Startup Port website


Female Entrepreneurship

scaleF - EXIST Women

Scholarship + Expertise - targeted support exclusively for female scientists and students interested in starting their own business

More informations

Founders' breakfast

Relaxed networking and professional exchange over coffee and tea - explicitly for female founders.

This programme is offered as part of the Startup Port network.

More information and registration on the Startup Port website

Female Entrepreneurship Week

Once a year in November, everything is focussed on women* and female founders interested in setting up a business for a week!

This programme is offered as part of the Startup Port network.

More information and registration on the Startup Port website

For start-up consultants


Competently guide founders to success! With the Academy4Constultants basic programme, you will learn the most important tools and methods of start-up consulting and become part of a dynamic community.

This programme is offered as part of the Startup Port network.

More information and registration on the Startup Port website