Start-up and entrepreneurship-related courses in the winter semester 2024/25

Current teaching events relating to start-ups and entrepreneurship are listed in the following overview.

Further information about the events can be accessed via the respective titles. Registration on mystudy is required.

Corporate Sustainability

Sustainability Entrepreneurship
Richter, Mario
seminar (Bachelor) / max. 35 Participants

Introduction I: Organisational Sustainability Transformation Management and Entrepreneurship
Schlange, Joachim
lecture (Master) / max. 44 Participants

Gründung nachhaltiger Start-ups
Schroll, Tim
project (Bachelor) / max. 35 Participants

Nachhaltige Transformation durch Entrepreneurship gestalten
Peschmann, Janina
projekt (Bachelor) / max. 35 Participants

Oceanpreneur – Meer nachhaltige Unternehmensgründung in Lüneburg
Müller, Ninja
seminar (Bachelor) / max. 25 Participants

Design Thinking & Business Model

M&E in Digital Age: Digital Business Models and Platform Economics
Habersang, Stefanie
seminar (Bachelor) / max. 24 Participants

E-Commerce: Geschäftsmodelle, Technologien und Skalierungshebel
Groß, Mathias
seminar (Bachelor) / max. 15 Participants

Gründungscamp Business Modeling
Schulte, Reinhard
seminar (Bachelor) / max. 15 Participants

Design Thinking and Futures Thinking (FSL)
Remdisch, Sabine
seminar (Bachelor) / max. 25 Participants


Management  - Managing Enterprises in a volatile Environment
Wegner, Ullrich
seminar (Bachelor) / max. 21 Participants

Case Studies in Sustainability Management (Group 1 to 6)
Scheiding, Christian Thomas; Strobel, Jakob Matthias
exercise (Bachelor) / max. 206 Participants

M&E in Digital Age: Management and Entrepreneurship in the Digital Age
Imschloß, Monika
seminar (Bachelor) / max. 24 Participants

M&E Research: Management and Entrepreneurship Research
Imschloß, Monika
seminar (Bachelor) / max. 20 Participants

M&E Research: Management and Entrepreneurship Research – Römer
Cnossen, Boukje
seminar (Bachelor) / max. 20 Participants

Reihlen, Markus
lecture (Bachelor) / max. 200 Participants

Management - Managing Innovation in Strategic CSR - Creating Shared Value
Lein-Struck, Antje
seminar (Bachelor) / max. 18 Participants

Management -  Managing non-technical innovations
Springer, Wolfram
seminar (Bachelor) / max. 21 Participants


Qualitative Research Methods - Cultural Entrepreneurship
Kostuj, Lena
exercise (Bachelor) / max. 33 Participants

Qualitative Research Methods - Exploring Entrepreneurial Ecosystems
Eising, Leonie Anika
exercise (Bachelor) / max. 33 Participants

Qualitative Research Methods - Exploring Social Entrepreneurship
Eising, Leonie Anika
exercise (Bachelor) / max. 33 Participants

Empirical Research Project: Psychology of Entrepreneurship
Gielnik, Michael
seminar (Bachelor) / max. 16 Participants


Die LeadershipGarage Field Studies
Vergossen, Hannah
seminar (Bachelor) / max. 25 Participants

Die LeadershipGarage Field Studies II
Remdisch, Sabine
seminar (Bachelor) / max. 25 Participants

Intellectual property law – legal framework for protecting innovation
Holzapfel, Henrik
lecture (Bachelor) / max. 40 Participants


Application of Psychology in Society - Work A, B & C
Gielnik, Michael
seminar (Bachelor) / max. 90 Participants

Lunatic Festival 2025 - Organisation eines nachhaltig orientierten Festivals (Projektmanagement) I
Troidl, Marlene
seminar (Bachelor) / max. 30 Participants

Popular Music Projects
Schuck, Eva
exercise (Bachelor) / max. 35 Participants


  • Dipl.-Kfm. Carsten Wille