Sustainability Entrepreneurship
Richter, Mario
seminar (Bachelor) / max. 35 Participants
Introduction I: Organisational Sustainability Transformation Management and Entrepreneurship
Schlange, Joachim
lecture (Master) / max. 44 Participants
Gründung nachhaltiger Start-ups
Schroll, Tim
project (Bachelor) / max. 35 Participants
Nachhaltige Transformation durch Entrepreneurship gestalten
Peschmann, Janina
projekt (Bachelor) / max. 35 Participants
Oceanpreneur – Meer nachhaltige Unternehmensgründung in Lüneburg
Müller, Ninja
seminar (Bachelor) / max. 25 Participants
M&E in Digital Age: Digital Business Models and Platform Economics
Habersang, Stefanie
seminar (Bachelor) / max. 24 Participants
E-Commerce: Geschäftsmodelle, Technologien und Skalierungshebel
Groß, Mathias
seminar (Bachelor) / max. 15 Participants
Gründungscamp Business Modeling
Schulte, Reinhard
seminar (Bachelor) / max. 15 Participants
Design Thinking and Futures Thinking (FSL)
Remdisch, Sabine
seminar (Bachelor) / max. 25 Participants
Management - Managing Enterprises in a volatile Environment
Wegner, Ullrich
seminar (Bachelor) / max. 21 Participants
Case Studies in Sustainability Management (Group 1 to 6)
Scheiding, Christian Thomas; Strobel, Jakob Matthias
exercise (Bachelor) / max. 206 Participants
M&E in Digital Age: Management and Entrepreneurship in the Digital Age
Imschloß, Monika
seminar (Bachelor) / max. 24 Participants
M&E Research: Management and Entrepreneurship Research
Imschloß, Monika
seminar (Bachelor) / max. 20 Participants
M&E Research: Management and Entrepreneurship Research – Römer
Cnossen, Boukje
seminar (Bachelor) / max. 20 Participants
Reihlen, Markus
lecture (Bachelor) / max. 200 Participants
Management - Managing Innovation in Strategic CSR - Creating Shared Value
Lein-Struck, Antje
seminar (Bachelor) / max. 18 Participants
Management - Managing non-technical innovations
Springer, Wolfram
seminar (Bachelor) / max. 21 Participants
Qualitative Research Methods - Cultural Entrepreneurship
Kostuj, Lena
exercise (Bachelor) / max. 33 Participants
Qualitative Research Methods - Exploring Entrepreneurial Ecosystems
Eising, Leonie Anika
exercise (Bachelor) / max. 33 Participants
Qualitative Research Methods - Exploring Social Entrepreneurship
Eising, Leonie Anika
exercise (Bachelor) / max. 33 Participants
Empirical Research Project: Psychology of Entrepreneurship
Gielnik, Michael
seminar (Bachelor) / max. 16 Participants
Die LeadershipGarage Field Studies
Vergossen, Hannah
seminar (Bachelor) / max. 25 Participants
Die LeadershipGarage Field Studies II
Remdisch, Sabine
seminar (Bachelor) / max. 25 Participants
Intellectual property law – legal framework for protecting innovation
Holzapfel, Henrik
lecture (Bachelor) / max. 40 Participants
Application of Psychology in Society - Work A, B & C
Gielnik, Michael
seminar (Bachelor) / max. 90 Participants
Lunatic Festival 2025 - Organisation eines nachhaltig orientierten Festivals (Projektmanagement) I
Troidl, Marlene
seminar (Bachelor) / max. 30 Participants
Popular Music Projects
Schuck, Eva
exercise (Bachelor) / max. 35 Participants