School Improvement and Leadership – Community Meet-up: Fields of Action


Four new fields of action now define the work of the "School Development and Leadership" community. These were developed at the third community meeting on December 4, 2023. The aim was to jointly develop concrete fields of action to which the community would like to devote itself in greater depth in its imposed thematic triad of leadership, digitality and inclusive schools:

 -  Inclusive science teaching
 -  Intrapreneurship and error culture
 -  Artificial intelligence in schools
 -  Digital Leadership Network

The meeting took place in snowy Hamburg in the digital workshop room ISE of the State Institute for Teacher Training and School Development, a place where exciting teaching and learning media from the Digital Pact can be tested. With the help of spontaneous lightboard presentations and specially filmed LEGO stop-motion videos, inspiration was found and innovative ideas developed - along with lots of laughs. The focus groups want to gain an overview of the challenges in the respective fields of action and, building on this, develop concrete solutions and practical derivations. These four fields of action are intended to represent a starting point for community work and can be expanded or adapted as required.  

If you have any questions or are interested in our community, please contact

Community-Meetup ©Leuphana Media Studio