Machine learning in the production environment. Short & Clear.

15. Jun

Data-driven energy savings: Applications and discussion

©Arbeitsgruppe ML
[Translate to Englisch:] Die Veranstaltungsreihe beleuchtet praxisnahe Anwendungen des maschinellen Lernens im Produktionsumfeld mit Impulsvorträgen aus Wirtschaft und Wissenschaft und interaktiven Workshops.

Buzzwords like "artificial intelligence" or "machine learning" (ML) are appearing more and more frequently in the media. But why has everyone been talking about this more than 70-year-old research area for a few years now? What is different today than it was back then and what does this mean for me as a medium-sized production company?

The aim of the series of events is to show concrete ideas for raising unused potential. These include applications for increasing efficiency, reducing costs and new business models. The intention is to present an extensive range of possible ML applications, to discuss them together and to always establish a reference to already established solutions and the available resources in SMEs.

15. June 2023, 4.00 - 5.30 p.m.
Leuphana University Lüneburg
via video conference

The event is free of charge.

Further info and registration


  • Prof. Dr.-Ing. Matthias Schmidt