Science & Economy

„I am writing my master thesis or doctoral dissertation. Are there any people in practice that are interested in my research?“ „I do not aim for a scientific career. Which elements of the study program help to prepare myself for professional life outside university?“

Questions such as these outline the idea and motivation of the term knowledge transfer. The objective is to ensure that science and business, non-university institutions and academic activities work together cooperatively with similar tools and projects. To commit to each other early, learning from each other, and ideally adjusting their own approaches are elements of knowledge transfer.

At the Leuphana Graduate School we have established various study elements and projects for the knowledge transfer project. The biggest project in this area was the EU-funded Innovation Incubator Lüneburg, especially the submeasure 1.4 (Leuphana Graduate School). Its subsidies of just under 5 million Euro were intended to promote internationalization, practical orientation, and the research orientation of the Graduate School. 60 scholarships for Master students and PhD fellows were offered. Moreover, more than 15 visiting professors conducted research with partners from the Lüneburg region and offered advice to the students.

I am writing my master thesis or doctoral dissertation. Are there any people in practice that are interested in my research?


I do not aim for a scientific career. Which elements of the study program help to prepare myself for professional life outside university?


I run a company. What are the benefits of cooperating with a visiting professor or a student?