Aging Workforce

Prof. Dr. Jürgen Deller

In times of demographic change and an aging population, the aging workforce gains increasing importance for organizations. The large cohort of "Babyboomers“ (today aged between appr. 35 and 45) is responsible for companies challenges facing the future: How can work ability be ensured? Which strengths do people have in different ages? How can lifelong learning be supported? Which retirement regulations will be of future value? 
In research projects on demographic change, training and development of employees of different age groups, as well as work design are considered.  
Results give concrete options to the cooperating organizations to implement strategic advantages in personnel marketing, retention, and motivation of their employees. It is analyzed, which options organizations have to increase relevant factors of their success (e.g., performance, motivation, job satisfaction). Further, the project team offers the development of action guidelines for future organizational development. 
This project creates a "win-win-win“ situation (organization-university-student). Organizations obtain a strategic advantage for their HR management, students are intensively supervised in their research, and the university is established as competent science center.


Head of Project

 Prof. Dr. Jürgen Deller, Leuphana Universität Lüneburg

Project Funding I

Task force innovative projects of the Ministry for Science and Culture of Lower Saxony (AGIP).

  • Grant number 2004.63
  • Grant amount € 87.498,-
  • 01. August 2005 – 31. Juli 2007; extended until 31.12.2007


Project Management

Stefanie Kern, Dipl.-Wirtschaftspsych. (FH), Leuphana Universität Lüneburg

Project Funding II

CSC Deutschland Solutions GmbH

  • PhD stipend
  • 01. September 2006 – 30. September 2009

Project Management

Esther Hausmann, Dipl.-Wirtschaftspsych. (FH), Leuphana Universität Lüneburg