Studies: M.A. Management & Marketing

Graduation year: 2011

Professional career: I am the Chief Operating Officer at a software startup in Ottawa, Canada.


When I look back on my time at Leuphana today, I....

... I think of a lot of very valuable content that has shaped and advanced me, and not just in my professional life.

How did your studies prepare you for your current job?

Abstract thinking and the combination of many interdisciplinary contents promote creativity and foresight.

What are the advantages of studying at Leuphana?

The interdisciplinary study program prepares students for a complex working world that is constantly changing. Interdisciplinary collaboration (also with other cultures) is standard and studying at Leuphana helped me to see different perspectives.

To whom would you recommend studying at Leuphana?

I would recommend studying at Leuphana to anyone who wants to grasp and improve complex interrelationships later on, e.g., in management of a company or in cooperation with different organizations. In my job, I combine the economic interests of my company and its investors with the interests of my team members and colleagues. In interaction, everyone should achieve their goals. This requires enormous foresight and abstract thinking.

What experience can I bring to the table as an Alumni Angel?

I can contribute experience from the software industry, especially in the field of marketing.


Career planning