Studies: B.A. Business Administration

Graduation year: 2016

Professional career: I am a managing partner and wedding planner at Festtagsdesign Weddings & Parties GmbH.

Today, when I look back on my time at Leuphana....

... the Summer School "Business Start-Up" and the Leuphana Semester at the beginning of my bachelor's degree have stayed in my mind. The insights that went beyond my own studies made a lasting impression on me. Oh, and: the word “sustainability” has rarely accompanied me as closely as it did during the three years at Leuphana.

How did your studies prepare you for your current job?

In particular, the Summer School Start-up, as well as my Bachelor thesis on the topic of "Founding Teams" gave me the opportunity to deal with the figures, challenges, and opportunities of self-employment even before I founded my first company.

What are the advantages of studying at Leuphana?

Interdisciplinarity! And plenty of opportunities for further education outside of one's actual course of study.

To whom would you recommend studying at Leuphana?

My business administration studies (B.A.) laid the foundation for my further studies (business management M.Sc.). It was excellent that Leuphana offers further insights into various research and teaching areas and teaches students from different degree programs in joint courses. Anyone who wants to further their general education alongside their main studies and is open to new teaching and research approaches is in excellent hands at Leuphana. I cannot emphasize enough how much I enjoyed the various courses offered in addition to the pure business lectures and how they helped me in the long run. In addition to attending various events and lectures on sustainability, this enabled me to gain an insight into the 15th-century, learn Swedish at B1 level, study and implement forms of interpretative dance, and lay the foundation for my own self-employment. Who would I recommend studying at Leuphana? To everyone!

What experiences can I bring to the table as an Alumni Angel?

Starting, running, and driving your own business is hard work. Therefore, the substance and the start should be perfectly prepared. It takes courage and stamina: and a lot of optimism! Through my studies of business administration and management, I prepared the theoretical and scientific basis, acquired the necessary knowledge for the background, while at the same time working in practice. While still in my bachelor's degree, I founded my first company, which was converted into a limited liability company in 2018.


Business start-up