Aida Usmanova stellt Paper auf der ACL 2024 vor
Am 16. August präsentierte unsere Stipendiatin Aida Usmanova unsere Arbeit „Structuring Sustainability Reports for Environmental Standards with LLMs guided by Ontology“ im ClimateNLP Workshop auf der ACL 2024.
Die Konferenz fand vom 10. bis 16. August in Bangkok statt und umfasste eine Vielzahl von Themen aus den Bereichen NLP und Computerlinguistik.
Während des Workshops „NLP meets Climate Change“ diskutierten 3 Hauptredner verschiedene Ansichten zu ökologischen Herausforderungen und wie KI in diesem Bereich eingesetzt werden kann.
Vielen Dank an die Organisatoren des Workshops und der Konferenz!
Abstract: Following the introduction of the European Sustainability Reporting Standard (ESRS), companies will have to adapt to a new policy and provide mandatory sustainability reports. However, implementing such reports entails a challenge, such as the comprehension of a large number of textual information from various sources. This task can be accelerated by employing Large Language Models (LLMs) and ontologies to effectively model the domain knowledge. In this study, we extended an existing ontology to model ESRS Topical Standard for disclosure. The developed ontology would enable automated reasoning over the data and assist in constructing Knowledge Graphs (KGs). Moreover, the proposed ontology extension would also help to identify gaps in companies’ sustainability reports with regard to the ESRS requirements. Additionally, we extracted knowledge from corporate sustainability reports via LLMs guided with a proposed ontology and developed their KG representation.