Information Systems & Data Science

The doctoral research group is designed to provide support and facilitate learning for doctoral candidates in Information Systems and Computer Science at Leuphana University.

    A regular research colloquium is held during the teaching period. This is an opportunity for doctoral candidates to present the progress of and the challenges of their work. Furthermore professors and academics from Leuphana and other institutions report on their research. Doctoral candidates also complete interdisciplinary taught doctoral modules at Leuphana.

    Areas of Research

    The research work focuses on the following topics and methods:

    • Digital transformation
    • Data science/machine learning
    • Business intelligence/analytics
    • Quantitative methods in business information systems

    Applications include:

    • E-health (in particular e mental health)
    • E-commerce
    • E-learning
    • Business process management
    • Business environmental information systems
    • IT management
    • Sports

    Doctoral Degrees

    Depending on the subject and method of the dissertation, the respective faculty confers the following doctoral degrees:

    • Dr. rer. pol.
    • Dr. rer. nat.
    • Dr.-Ing.


    • Prof. Dr. Ricardo Usbeck

    Doctoral Supervisors

    • Prof. Dr. Olga Abramova
    • Prof. Dr. Ulf Brefeld
    • Prof. Dr. Paul Drews
    • Prof. Dr. Burkhardt Funk
    • Prof. Dr. Peter Niemeyer
    • Prof. Dr. Kathrin Padberg-Gehle
    • Prof. Dr. Ricardo Usbeck



    September 5, 2024: Summer School Day - Artificial Intelligence and Knowledge Graphs for Scholarly Data

    NFDI4DataScience is hosting its first summer school on Artificial Intelligence and Knowledge Graphs for Scholarly Data.

    This 1-day event will include keynotes and tutorials on applications of Artificial Intelligence and Knowledge Graphs for the handling of research data. Our instructors cover a variety of backgrounds, such as Computer Science, Social Sciences, and the Library Sector. We invite early-stage researchers from all academic disciplines to share and discuss their workflows, needs, and obstacles when handling research data. Attendees will have the opportunity to share their research and get feedback from our instructors. There will be a best poster award and the winner will be selected at the end of the event. Please read our Call for Participation to learn more.

    More information and program here.

    Recently completed Dissertations

    • Felix Krieger: Toward the Digitalization of Auditing: Applying Machine Learning for Information Extraction from Invoices
    • Hergen Eilert Lange: Realization of Data-Driven Business Models in Incumbent Companies
    • Johannes Thesing: Fair Value Accounting, Corporate Governance, and Accounting-Based Earnings Quality: A Cross-Industry Literature Review and Empirical Evidence from Real Estate Firms
    • Janice Wobst: Value-Based Management: New Pathways Toward Sustainable Governance Using Natural Language Processing

    Doctoral Courses

    As a doctoral candidate at Leuphana, you not only write your dissertation, but also participate in the interdisciplinary doctoral courses to the extent of 30 credit points, which include (inter)disciplinary colloquia (Research Forum I and Research Forum II) and furthermore comprises four interdisciplinary modules on research ethics, research methods, scientific practice and current perspectives on science. Please find more information about Leuphana's doctoral courses here.


    If you wish to pursue your doctorate at Leuphana, you must be enrolled as doctoral student. Information about admission to the doctorate at Leuphana and the application procedure can be found here.

    Leuphana Graduate School offers advice and coaching to academics in the qualification phase. The Graduate School's advisor will be happy to support you in questions of decision-making, challenges in the course of your doctorate, and career planning and development. You can find more information about the counselling and coaching services here.