Framework Examination Regulations and Subject-Specific Annexes

All cur­rent, of­fi­ci­al in­for­ma­ti­on will be pu­blis­hed in Gazette, the Of­fi­ci­al Jour­nal for Leu­pha­na Uni­ver­si­ty Lüne­burg. The Gazette is the university's administratve bulletin. The bin­ding text of the Of­fi­ci­al Jour­nal re­gar­ding all de­ci­si­ons and re­gu­la­ti­ons con­cerning the uni­ver­si­ty and its or­ga­niza­t­i­ons can be found in the Gazette.

Please note: Only the german version of the Gazette is legally binding. The English version is provided solely for information purposes.

The Framework Examination Regulations (FER) determine the general conditions for the examinations. They are legally binding and regulate the curriculum, the admission requirements, the recognition of work, the assessment process, assessment dates and registration deadlines, the missing of assessment dates and withdrawal from assessments, fraud in assessments as well as grading, resit options and much more.

The Subject-Specific Annexes (SSA) are part of the Framework Examination Regulations and contain the subject-specific curriculum. They contain detailed and legally binding regulations on the modules to be taken and their content, the types of courses, the type and number of examinations and the credit points to be earned in all Masters programmes.

Further copies in English will follow soon. In the meantime, we ask you to use the German editions.

Subject-Specific Annexes for Masters Programmes

Cultural Studies: Culture and Organization

Management & Data Science

Management & Entrepreneurship

Management & Sustainable Accounting and Finance

Public Affairs and Democracy

Public Affairs and Economics

Sustainability Science: Ecosystems, Biodiversity and Society

Sustainability Science: Entrepreneurship, Agency and Leadership

Sustainability Science: Governance and Law

Sustainability Science: Resources, Materials and Chemistry

Work and Organizational Psychology

Subject-Specific Annexes for discontinued Masters programmes