Flying Visit for the Masters programmes

Discover university life on a guest visit

Discover the Leuphana Campus during the Flying Visit ©Leuphana/Markus Tiemann
Explore the campus and get in touch with students and lecturers.

Our programme "Flying Visit" offers you the possibility to get an impression of studying in one of our Masters programmes. As a guest, you can attend certain courses of different majors for one or two days without registration. If you are planning a visit, please send us an email beforehand via so that we can check whether the events listed are actually taking place.

Here you will find the overview of suitable offers in the summer semester 2024:


Tell us how you liked the flying visit and what suggestions you have for improving the organization. Follow this link for evaluation.


Our Student Counsellors offer you the opportunity to discuss what you have experienced during your visit at Leuphana as part of an individual counselling. Here you can also ask any further questions you may have. For more information and to make an appointment, please click here.

Campus Tours

Guided Campus Tours

Would you like to experience the Leuphana Campus? On our guided Campus Tours you will get insights into the buildings, hear interesting stories about the campus and visit premises that are not accessible to everyone. Please note: These tours are offered only in German. For more information and registration click here.

Self-guided campus Tour with the App Actionbound

In addition to the guided campus tours, you have the option of taking a campus tour independently and at any time with the help of the app Actionbound. The app will guide you around the university campus and give you a first impression of Leuphana. To get to the instructions for the campus tour, click here.


Initial Information on Studies

Building 8, Ground Floor
Universitätsallee 1
21335 Lüneburg

Fon +49.4131.677-2277
Fax +49.4131.677-2266


Student Counselling Service

Leuphana Graduate School
Building 14, Room 126
Universitätsallee 1
21335 Lüneburg

For open consultation hours, see Student Counselling Service
You can also arrange a meeting by contacting the Infoportal