Qualification Fund

Financial support for academic qualification

The Graduate School provides funding for a range of qualification measures from the Qualification Fund. You can, for example, apply for funding if you wish to take part in a conference, are planning a short-term research trip or want to organise a conference yourself. 

Funding is available for doctoral candidates (including Doctoral Track students) and postdocs at Leuphana. Please follow the navigation below to learn about your personal funding options.

Funding opportunities for doctoral candidates

Leuphana University of Lüneburg offers its doctoral candidates (including Doctoral Track students) the opportunity to receive financial support from the Qualification Fund for the funding measures shown in the following table.

During the entire doctoral period, certain measures can be funded several times. These include the measures Active Conference Participation, Summer School and Research Stay. Funding is available up to two times for the measure Publication Advice. The measure Basic Conference Participation, on the other hand, can only be funded once.

Please use the navigation to find out about the funding criteria, the eligible costs and the application and decision-making procedure.

Funding measureMax. funding height
per application
Active Conference Participation1,500 €
Basic Conference Participation   500 €
Summer School (Spring/Autumn/Winter School)1,000 €
Research Stay (inter- and national)2,000 €
Publication Advice11,000 €

1Advice on the publication strategy of a journal article or monograph by an external person

Funding opportunities for postdocs

Leuphana University of Lüneburg offers its postdocs the opportunity to receive financial support from the Qualification Fund for the funding measures shown in the following table.

During the entire time as a postdoc, certain measures can be funded several times. These include the measures Active Conference Participation, Summer School, Research Stay and Conference Organisation. Funding is available up to two times for the measure Publication Advice.

Please use the navigation to find out about the funding criteria, the eligible costs and the application and decision-making procedure.

Funding measureMax. funding height
per application
Active Conference Participation1,500 €
Summer School (Spring/Autumn/Winter School)1,000 €
Research Stay (Inter- and national)2,000 €
Publication Advice11,000 €
Conference Organisation22,000 €

1Advice on the publication strategy of a journal article or monograph by an external person
2Organisation of a conference at Leuphana. Please see the information on this measure in the FAQ.

Eligibility criteria

In order to receive financial support for a funding measure from the Qualification Fund, you must fulfil formal, personal, content-related and measure-specific eligibility criteria.

The formal criteria include that your application is received at least one day before the start of the funding period. The funding period covers the period from the first to the last day of a funding measure, including the necessary outward and return travel time. In addition, you must submit your application in full and digitally via the links provided in the "Application procedure" section below.

The personal eligibility criteria include that you are either a doctoral candidate or a postdoc at Leuphana at the time of the funding measure.

Doctoral candidates are persons who are admitted to doctorate at Leuphana and are enrolled as students. This group also includes Doctoral Track students.
In the context of the Qualification Fund, the group of postdocs includes all persons who are linked to Leuphana via temporary employment for their own further academic qualification or a postdoc scholarship and whose completion of the doctorate (= date of the disputation) was a maximum of six (6) years ago at the beginning of the funding period. Information on extending this period can be found in the Qualification Fund funding guidelines.

In principle, the following also applies:

- You belong to one of the groups of persons eligible for the measure on at least one day of the funding measure.
- A maximum of two applications for financial support from the Qualification Fund can be approved per calendar year and person.

The content-related eligibility for funding is fulfilled if the funding measure you apply for has a content-related connection with your own qualification.

Information on the measure-specific criteria can be found in the following overview.

Qualification Fund - Overview of the measure-specific criteria

Eligible Costs

Funding measure Eligible costs
Active Conference Participation,
Basic Conference Participation
and Summer School
  • Travel, flight and accommodation costs
  • Conference or participation costs
  • Office space rental costs in case of digital participation
Research StayTravel, flight and accomodation costs
Publication AdviceTravel, flight and accommodation costs
(for the person being advised and/or for the person advising)
Conference Organisation1

For speakers at the conference:

  • Travel, flight and accommodation costs
  • Fees

For the organisation of the conference:

  • Personnel funds for student and research assistants
  • Material costs for conference material (e.g. conference folders, pads, pens)
  • Catering costs2

1Please see the information on this measure in the FAQ.
2Please see the information on catering costs in the FAQ

Application procedure

The application procedure for receiving financial support from the Qualification Fund consists of 3 phases. In the first phase, you submit your application digitally, which is reviewed by us in the second phase and finally submitted to the Vice President of the Graduate School for a decision in the third phase.

Applications can be submitted at any time. To start the application process, simply click on the link below that applies to your project.

Decision-making procedure

The Graduate School reviews the applications received in each case with regard to formal and content-related criteria and assigns them to the category "fully eligible", "eligible" or "not eligible".

Based on this recommendation, the Vice President of the Graduate School decides on the reviewed and categorised funding applications on behalf of the Executive Board, usually once a month during the lecture period.

Depending on when your application is received, it may take up to eight weeks before you are notified whether your funding application has been approved or rejected. You will receive this information electronically to your Leuphana e-mail address, which you must provide in your application.


  • Accommodation costs
  • Business travel allowance
  • Car Costs
  • Catering Costs
  • Childcare Costs
  • Co-financing
  • Conference organisation
  • Cost receipts
  • Disbursement and accounting of the subsidies
  • Final report
  • Flight cost comparison offer
  • Illness
  • Office space rental costs
  • Private Stay
  • Proof of personal eligibility
  • Third Party funding
  • Travel costs
  • Travel warning


Accommodation costs

The regulations on business trips and the provisions of the business trip handbook apply accordingly to the assumption and amount of accommodation costs by the Qualification Fund. The respective valid daily rates for accommodation costs can be found in the documents “Merkblatt Dienstreisen/Reisekosten” [Leaflet Business Trips/Travel Expenses] and “Auslandreisekosten-Info” [Foreign travel expenses info] on the intranet under the keyword “Reisekosten” [Travel Expenses] in the section "Weiterführende Hinweise" [further information]. Please note, the website is only available in German.

Business travel allowance

If you receive a business travel grant in addition to your funding from the Qualification Fund, please submit your travel expense statement together with the statement of your funding measure at the Graduate School. The funding you receive from the Qualification Fund should be entered in the travel expense report under "Third-party contribution".

The documents for the travel expense statement will be forwarded by the Graduate School to the University's Travel Expenses Department for final processing after settlement of the grant from the Qualification Fund.

Car Costs

Information on the assumption of car costs can be found under the keyword travel costs.

Catering Costs

Catering costs within the framework of the funding measure "Conference Organisation" can only be funded and settled under the condition that the approval for the use of state funds for catering costs is proven by the member of the Executive Board responsible for finances. Information on this as well as the “Richtlinie zu Bewirtungskosten der Leuphana” [Leuphana's guideline on catering costs] can be found on the intranet (Leuphana A-Z) under the keyword “Bewirtungskosten” [catering costs]. Please note, the website is only available in German.

Childcare Costs

Childcare costs are not among the eligible costs of the Qualification Fund. However, Leuphana's Equality Fund holds funds for the compatibility of family and career/qualification, which can be applied for throughout the year. You can find more information on this on the Equality Fund website.


Co-financing of a measure funded by the Qualification Fund with other budgetary or third-party funds of Leuphana or with external funds (e.g. from funding institutions or foundations) is generally possible. Please note that the respective funding body may have requirements that must be observed.

Co-financing from available budgetary funds of a chair, institute or professorship, for example, is only possible if you are affiliated with the funding chair, institute or professorship in terms of employment law at the time of the funding measure. In order to receive a grant, you must usually also submit a business trip application. If you have any questions, please contact the relevant secretariat.

Conference organisation

In contrast to the other funding measures, the financial allocation and accounting of the funding from the Qualification Fund as well as the processing of all income and expenditure within the framework of the conference organisation measure is not carried out via a private account, but via a fund of the university, which usually has to be set up separately. To set up this fund, please contact the colleagues in the “Internes Rechnungswesen” [Internal Accounting] (“Haushaltsmittel” [Budgetary Resources]) section of the Finance Department. Please note, the website is only available in German.

Funding for conferences that are supported within the framework of "internal support & funding" from the Funding Fund for the Development of the Research Activities of the Research Service is not possible via the Qualification Fund.

Cost receipts

According to the funding guidelines, you are obliged to submit the original receipts for the costs you have incurred. Please make sure that the receipts show who paid what, when and for what. You will also make it easier for us to account for your funding if you attach receipts that are smaller than DIN A4 format to a separate DIN A4 sheet. Examples of receipts are: Hotel bills, fee receipts, tickets, airline tickets, invoices for participation fees, copy of bank statement / credit card statement.

Disbursement and accounting of the subsidies

Information on this can be found in section 4.3 of the Qualification Fund Funding Guideline.

Final report

The report, which is to be submitted after completion of the measure and should not exceed two pages, should provide a brief overview of the course and outcome of the funded measure. For example, you can describe in your report whether you were able to gain new insights for your qualification project, whether you were able to establish interesting contacts with other researchers or whether ideas for future collaborations have emerged.

Flight cost comparison offer

If you combine your funding measure with a private stay and apply for the assumption of flight costs, you must submit two receipts to settle the flight costs:

  1. proof of the flight costs actually incurred by you in the course of your journey
  2. proof of the amount of the flight costs at the time of booking, if you would not have combined the funding measure with a private stay

This comparison offer is only necessary in the case of flight costs, as flight prices are subject to strong fluctuations.In the event of a funding measure being combined with a private stay, it must therefore be comprehensible how high the flight costs would have been without a private stay. To prove these flight costs, it is sufficient to submit a screenshot of a website showing the relevant flight data and the price.


Information on what you have to do and which documents you have to submit if you cannot/could not participate in an approved funding measure due to illness at short notice or due to other, external circumstances for which you are not responsible can be found in section 5 of the Qualification Fund Funding Guidelines.

Office space rental costs

The amount of the eligible rental costs for an office room is based on the respective valid daily rates for accommodation costs. Information on this can be found on the intranet (Leuphana A-Z) under the keyword “Reisekosten” [travel expenses]. Please note, the website is only available in German.

Private Stay

In principle, it is possible to combine a private stay with a funding measure. However, the costs arising from the private stay are not eligible for funding. If the private stay exceeds five working days, only costs directly related to the funding measure (e.g. conference fees) can be funded, but not travel or flight costs.

All days except Saturday, Sunday and public holidays are considered working days. The time needed to travel to and from the funding measure does not count as a private stay, but is part of the funding period.

Please note that you must submit a flight cost comparative offer if you combine a funding measure with a private stay and apply for the assumption of flight costs. You can find information on this under the keyword flight cost comparison offer

Proof of personal eligibility

In order to be personally eligible for funding, you must belong to one of the groups of people eligible for the respective measure on at least one day of the funding measure.

As a doctoral candidate, you can prove your personal eligibility for funding by submitting a copy of your

  1. enrolment certificate
  2. study certificate for the relevant semester.

As a postdoc, you prove your personal eligibility for funding by

  1. a copy of the doctoral degree certificate or an alternative proof showing the date of the disputation
  2. a copy of your employment contract (or similar) showing the period of temporary employment for your own further academic qualification or a copy of your scholarship notification showing the period of approval
  3. in the event that your disputation date at the beginning of the funding period was more than six years ago, suitable proof that you meet the requirements for one of the exemptions (parental leave, nursing leave, family care leave, maternity leave, illness), such as a copy of the parental allowance certificate and/or medical confirmation of the period of prolonged illness, etc.

Third Party funding

The accounting of co-financing from funds of a third-party funded project is usually done via reimbursement of expenses. Please contact the secretariat in charge of accounting for the externally funded project.

Travel costs

Travel costs include (long-distance) bus, train and car costs. In general, the principle of economy applies, i.e. e.g. 2nd class train tickets and economy class airline tickets. The mileage allowance for car expenses is € 0.20 per kilometre up to a maximum of € 100.00 for the entire funding trip. Parking fees can be covered up to a maximum of € 5.00 per day. It is not possible to pay for material damage to motor vehicles. For the coverage of travel costs by the Qualification Fund, the regulations on business trips and the regulations of the Business Travel Manual [Handbuch Dienstreisen] apply accordingly. 

Travel warning

The Foreign Office of the Federal Republic of Germany issues travel warnings. Via their website on current travel warnings, you can find out whether there is a travel warning for the country in which your funding measure is taking place at the beginning of your funding period. As proof that there is no travel warning, you can submit a printout of the website as a pdf document. The document should then show that your destination country is not on the list and when you printed the website. Please note: The website of the Foreign office of the Federal Republic of Germany is only available in German, so make sure to search for the German name of your country.

Contact Qualification Fund

Graduate School
Qualification Fund
Universitätsallee 1, C14.124
21335 Lüneburg

Fon +49.4131.677- 2402