Course content – Management & Entrepreneurship

On this page you can inform yourself about the curriculum of the Masters programme Management & Entrepreneurship. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to get in touch with the contact points listed under "Contact and Counselling" and make use of the counselling services offered by the Graduate School.

Course structure

Overview of Modules Management & Entrepreneurship (M.Sc.)

Elective modules

2nd Semester

Elective module

  • Management & Change

3rd Semester

Elective modules

  • Digitalization & Management
  • Contemporary Issues in Management & Entrepreneurship

The elective modules in the second and third semesters can be replaced by elective modules from other Master's programmes in Management or by the modules Organization: Space, Aesthetics, Materiality (Ma-CS-Wb-3), Organization: Structure, Power (Ma-CS-Wb-9) , Economies and Urbanity and Space (Ma-CS-Wb-4) of the Master's programme Cultural Studies: Culture and Organisation or by the modules Market Oriented Sustainability Management and Market Transformation (MA-EAL-4), Social Entrepreneurship (MA-EAL-6) and Practices of Sustainable Entrepreneurship (MA-EAL-3) of the Master's programme Sustainability Science: Entrepreneurship, Agency and Leadership. (cf. subject-specific Annex 5.7 and 5.15d).

Subject-specific area

Core modules

The Core area (30 CP) pro­mo­tes en­tre­pre­neu­ri­al thin­king and fos­ters cri­ti­cal re­flec­tion. It inte­gra­tes com­pul­so­ry and elec­tives mo­du­les, brin­ging to­ge­ther two are­as of busi­ness stu­dies – en­tre­pre­neurship and ma­nage­ment. We are in­te­rested in to­pics co­ver­ing in­di­vi­du­als, or­ga­ni­sa­ti­ons and in­dus­try set­tings in which in­no­va­tions in pro­ducts, ser­vices, tech­no­lo­gies and in­sti­tu­tio­nal frame­works are re­inven­ted and chan­ged through en­tre­pre­neu­ri­al in­itia­ti­ves. The curriculum covers these topics in various modules, such as En­tre­pre­neu­ri­al Psy­cho­lo­gy, En­tre­pre­neu­ri­al Stra­te­gy, En­tre­pre­neu­ri­al Fi­nan­ce as well as In­no­va­ti­on and Mar­ket Crea­ti­on, Or­ga­ni­sa­ti­on De­sign for In­no­va­ti­on, and In­sti­tu­tio­nal Chan­ge.

Research modules

The Re­se­arch area (15 CP) ai­ms to ad­dress real pro­blems and ad­van­ce new know­ledge. Stu­dents can focus on qua­li­ta­ti­ve and quan­ti­ta­ti­ve re­se­arch me­thods and can apply their theoretical skills within a re­se­arch pro­ject during the third semester. In this re­se­arch pro­ject, stu­dents will ad­van­ce their sci­en­ti­fic un­der­stan­ding and de­ve­lop so­lu­ti­ons for cur­rent pro­blems.


In the elective area (15 CP), you individualise your educational profile with elective modules from broad subject areas such as busi­ness ven­tu­ring, fi­nan­ce & ac­coun­ting, sustaina­bi­li­ty ma­nage­ment, cul­tu­re and or­ga­ni­za­ti­on and data sci­ence.

Master Thesis/Masters Forum

Students at Leuphana Graduate School wri­te their mas­ters thesis (25 CP) as an in­de­pen­dent sci­en­ti­fic work, applying  their know­ledge and skills to treat prac­tical and sci­en­ti­fic pro­blems. Both fiel­ds of re­se­arch re­qui­re strong ana­ly­ti­cal skills and com­plex thin­king in or­der to iden­ti­fy re­le­vant ques­ti­ons, de­ve­lop theo­ries, car­ry out em­pi­ri­cal ana­ly­ses and re­flect on possible so­lu­ti­ons.

You will be supported in writing your Masters thesis by the compulsory Masters Forum (5 CP).

Management Studies

As a unifying element of the Masters programme in Management, Management Studies (15 CP) must be completed by all students of the Masters programme. The Management Studies lay the foundations for understanding and shaping management and entrepreneurship in a complex, dynamic and ambivalent environment.

In Management Studies, you will deepen your professional competences in the field of management in the following three modules:

The first semester uses a range of tools including case studies to illustrate "Organization, Strategy & Innovation", while the second semester explores "Digitalisation" and the issues surrounding it from the perspective of all six disciplines at the Faculty of Management and Technology (business administration, economics, law, psychology, IT and engineering). In the third semester, you develop specific business ideas for companies and partners in an "Entrepreneurial Project".

Complementary studies

The Complementary Studies are an essential part of the special teaching model of Leuphana. It supplements and expands students' subject-specific learning with the following three modules (5 CP each) with critical academic and practical perspectives from all faculties:

  1. Engaging with Knowledge and Sciences (in the 1st Semester)
  2. Reflecting on Research Methods (in the 2nd Semester)
  3. Connecting Science, Responsibility and Society (in the 3rd Semester)

Masters thesis

Generally, the Master's thesis is written at the end of the degree programme. All the information about the Master's thesis and how to organise your Master's thesis in five steps has been compiled for you on the website Master's thesis.

In addition, helpful courses for writing the Master's thesis are regularly offered as part of the GradSkills.

Study regulations/subject-specific schedule

The following link provides access to documents which set out the general conditions for examinations, an overview of the curriculum, as well as detailed and legally binding regulations.

General Assessment Regulations and the Subject-Specific Schedules

Course catalogue

In the course catalogue you can get an overview of the courses currently offered and their specific contents.

Contact and Counselling

First contact point

The Information Office (Infoportal) is your contact point for

Information Office

Building 8, Ground Level
Fon +49.4131.677-2277

Campus opening hours
Mon - Thu 9.00 am - 4:00 pm
Fr 9.00 am - 12 noon

Student Counselling

To make an appointment with our Student Counselling Service, please use our booking tool on our website.