Organise your Masters

From enrolment to exmatriculation

You will have to register and re-register at regular intervals over the course of your studies. Unexpected events in your life can sometimes also require a spontaneous change of direction, and a simple mishap can mean the loss of your student card.  In all of these cases, this page will provide all the information and forms you need to contact Student Services to resolve the problem.


Administrative topics and examinations

If you cannot find answers to your questions on administrative topics or examinations on the website, feel free to talk to the competent persons at Student Services.

To make a personal appointment, please register in your advisor's list in myStudy.

Programme coordination

If you have any questions about the programme coordination of your Masters programme, please contact the administrator assigned to your programme.

Change of main focus or minor

In the Culture, Arts and Media degree programme, you can change the main focus or your minor during the programme in justified cases.

Please use this form (german) as your application and submit it typed up and signed to the competent administrator at the Student Services.


If you would like to leave the university and have not yet completed your degree programme, please submit an application for de-registration without delay; otherwise, you will be de-registered by Student Services due to lack of re-registration.

Send us your completed application for de-registration.

If you have successfully completed your degree programme, you will be automatically de-registered by Student Services at the end of the semester in which you have completed your LAST examination. In this case, it is not necessary to apply for de-registration.

If you would like to be de-registered on the date of your last examination or at any other time during the current semester, please submit an application for de-registration.

Students cannot apply for a retroactive de-registration!

De-registration is possible if you have completed ALL the coursework and examinations required for your successful graduation (including your final thesis and defence, if applicable) and are simply waiting for the examination results or your degree certificate and diploma.

Should the re-registration period and your completion of your degree programme overlap, please also submit an application for de-registration; you thus avoid reminder letters and additional fees.

Repayment of the complete semester contributions is possible if the de-registration takes place before the start of the semester or one month after the start of lectures at the latest and you hand in your student card with the semester ticket. For a semester in progress, reimbursement is not otherwise possible.


Enrolment is the legal requirement for commencing a degree programme at Leuphana University Lüneburg. It forms the basis for student status.

Depending on the chosen degree programme, the students enrolled at Leuphana belong to a specific school: the College, the Graduate School or the Professional School.

At the same time, upon enrolment the students also become members of a specific faculty and Student Council through the selection of their degree programme. Certain rights and obligations accrue to the students from this, which end again only through de-registration and the associated loss of membership.

The student card or the certificate of enrolment serves as proof of this membership.

In addition to the Lower Saxony University Act (NHG), the Enrolment Regulations form the legal foundation.


All information relevant to examinations - from registering for examinations to missed assessments, withdrawals and illness - with the associated regulations and subject-specific appendices can be found here.

Leave of absence

You can obtain leave of absence up to the end of the re-registration period - within one month after the start of lectures in exceptional cases - upon written application. 

Even during leave of absence, you remain a member of Leuphana University Lüneburg and maintain student status. However, you are not authorised to perform work and assessments in this time. Semesters spent on leave are not recognised as semesters of the programme.

In each degree programme, leave of absence is permitted for full semesters only and generally for a maximum of two consecutive semesters only. Leave of absence for the first semester of the programme and preceding semesters are NOT permitted!

Exception: leave of absence for 4 semesters
If you wish to be on leave of absence for more than four semesters during the duration of study of a degree programme, you must provide proof of an important reason. Important reasons are in particular:

  • health reasons,
  • period of study spent abroad,
  • completion of an internship provided for in the curriculum or in the Examination Regulations that is not part of the degree programme,
  • activity in academic or student organisations,
  • family reasons (e.g. pregnancy/child rearing).

Fees during leave of absence
Pursuant to section 1 and 3 of the Studentenwerk Regulations of 14/05/2014,  Leuphana University Lüneburg charges only the Studentenwerk contribution.

Under certain conditions, you can apply to the Studentenwerk for exemption from the Studentenwerk contributions. For information on this, please contact Studentenwerk OstNiedersachsen, Munstermannskamp 3, Lüneburg, postcode 21335.

In the case of applications submitted later, the semester contribution that has already been paid is reimbursed only if the application is received by Student Services before or within one month after the start of lectures. In addition to the application, the student card, if already issued, including the semester ticket and all confirmation documents must have been received within the period indicated above.

Withdrawal of leave of absence
Leave of absence can be withdrawn up to one month after the start of lectures.

Long-term students

In December 2013, the State Parliament of Lower Saxony resolved to abolish the study contributions, introduce study credit and change the regulations for the tuition fees for long-term students. These changes shall enter into force with effect from the 2014/2015 winter semester.

This overview is to provide you with a summary of the corresponding regulations in the Lower Saxony University Act (NHG).

1. Study credit (Section 12 NHG)
In accordance with section 12 NHG, all students are provided with study credit in the amount of the standard programme duration for the chosen undergraduate degree programme plus six additional semesters. In the event of the selection of a Masters degree programme following on from a Bachelor's degree programme, the study credit increases by the standard programme duration for this degree programme.

As long as personal study credit exists, no contributions for long term students are charged!

Example 1:
Student Smith commences study of the Culture, Arts and Media degree programme in the 2014/2015 winter semester. The standard programme duration of this degree programme amounts to 6 semesters (according to the Examination Regulations). The existing 6 semesters are increased by a further 6 semesters. Thus the study credit amounts to 12 semesters, in which no tuition fees for long-term students are charged.

The study credit decreases by the number of semesters of a preceding degree at German universities.

Example 2:
Before the above-mentioned degree programme, Student Smith already studied at another German university for 2 semesters. The study credit of 12 semesters indicated above decreases by the two semesters for which the student has studied, leaving study credit of 10 semesters.

Example 3:
Student Smith has successfully completed his Bachelor’s degree and is starting a new degree programme following on from the Bachelor’s degree. The study credit of 12 semesters indicated above thus increases by the standard programme duration of the Masters degree, in this case 4 semesters. Thus, the new study credit amounts to 16 semesters.

The semesters of study spent so far are recognised, in example 2 from a preceding degree programme, e.g. 7 from the just-completed Bachelor’s degree. Afterwards there are a further 7 semesters available, in which no tuition fees for long-term students are to be paid.

Exceptions from the use of study credit (section 12 par. 3 NHG)
The study credit is not used up in semesters in which the student

  • is on leave of absence,
  • is actually taking care of a child within the meaning of section 25 par. 5 BAföG who is under the age of 14 at the beginning of the semester in question (birth certificate and current registration certificate serve as proof),
  • cares for a close relative in need of care within the meaning of the Home Care Leave Act,
  • is active as an elected representative in a body of the university, the student body or the Studentenwerk (maximum of two semesters recognised) or
  • holds the office of equal opportunities officer, without being on leave of absence for this, for a total of (maximum two semesters recognised).

2. Tuition fees for long-term students (section 13 NHG)
If the study credit is used up, a contribution for long-term students in the amount of € 500.00 is to be paid for each semester pursuant to section 13 NHG.

The tuition fees for long-term students are not charged for a semester in which the student

  • is on leave of absence,
  • is actually taking care of a child within the meaning of section 25 par. 5 BAföG who is under the age of 14 at the beginning of the semester in question (birth certificate and current registration certificate serve as proof),
  • cares for a close relative in need of care within the meaning of the Home Care Leave Act,
  • completes a period of study abroad provided for in the Study Regulations or the Examination Regulations or
  • completes a practical semester of study provided for in the Study Regulations or the Examination Regulations.

If you are of the view that an exceptional case applies to you, please send the necessary proof with the application for exemption/waiver to the Student Services.

3. Due dates and equity (section 14 NHG)
The tuition fees for long-term students pursuant to section 13 NHG become due for the first time upon enrolment and then within the re-registration period stipulated by the university for each semester thereafter.

Upon application, the tuition fees for long-term students can be waived completely or partially if payment would lead to undue hardship. Generally, undue hardship exists:

  • in the case of effects of a disability or serious illness that extend the period of study (must be proven by means of an official certificate of the local health authority!),
  • in the case of consequences as a victim of a criminal act that extend the period of study.

Effects/consequences that extend the period of study can be claimed and applied for only once the standard programme duration of the degree programme in question has ended!

Part-time studies

There are life situations in which studying full-time is not possible. Therefore, at the College and the Graduate School, Leuphana offers it students the chance to complete a degree programme on a part-time basis. Individuals who, for example, would like to combine their studies with employment, family, or social or university engagement or who cannot study full-time due to a serious illness or a disability can apply to study part-time.

The Student Counselling Service provides you with information and advice before you begin studying part-time and also offers you advice and help during your degree.

Who may study part-time?

All students enrolled at the College and Graduate School can apply to study part-time. When applying for permission, you must indicate and prove that you have important reasons for wanting to study part time, for example:

  • you want to combine studying with a job / professional practice
  • you want to combine studying with family responsibilities
  • you want to combine study with outstanding social and civil commitment to sport, culture, social affairs and society
  • involvement in student councils and administration
  • serious illness and disability
  • other reasons

Further requirements

Before you begin studying part-time, you should have acquired comprehensive information about the conditions of part-time study. In addition to this information, this also includes the Bachelor regulations on part-time study and the General Examination Regulations of your degree programme.

If you want to change from a full-time degree to a part-time degree, you are obligated to hold a personal consultation with the major advisor or the director of studies, to discuss a sensible arrangement of the modules. Further, we recommend to you the following advisory services:

If you would like to start your part-time studies at the beginning of the degree in the first semester, you should acquire information from the student advisory service about the general conditions of part-time study. In addition, it is recommended, in part-time studies, that you obtain student advice from the Student Counselling Service or the major advisor or from the director of studies.

Course of study

You are integrated in the normal study schedule and procedure, which means that no special classes or time slots are allocated to part-time students. The classes are held in weekly cycles on the different days of the week or, in some cases, in the form of blocks of classes.
If you are studying part-time, you take half of the modules usually planned for one semester; you can then take the remaining modules in the following winter or summer semester.

Right of pre-selection

The right of pre-selection offers part-time students as well as students with children the chance to be approved for certain classes before the random selection procedure begins.

For more information on the right of pre-selection and the associated deadlines, go to the pages of the equal opportunities office.

Change from full-time to part-time

Students can change from full-time to part-time studies. If desired, you can even change back and forth several times between full-time and part-time studies. For this, please take note of the regulations in the relevant Bachelor regulations on part-time studies.

As the programme content of a regular semester are divided across two semesters and some classes are offered only in the winter or the summer semester in part-time study, part-time study should be chosen for a period of at least four semesters. However, you must commit yourself only for at least 2 semesters (1 year of study). A change can always be applied for up to 15 July of a year for the upcoming winter semester.


Changes to rights of examination that affect part-time study are regulated in the General Examination Regulations. For the Leuphana Bachelor, you will find information in section 3a. For the teacher education courses, you will find the specifications in the General Examination Regulations for the Bachelors and Masters degree programmes, with which the requirements for teacher education are communicated in section 8. A key requirement shown there is the acquisition of course and examination credit in the amount of 15 credit points.

The remaining regulations of the General Examination Regulations also apply to part-time study.

Semester contribution and fees

The contributions collected upon enrolment or re-registration (administrative charge, student contribution, Studentenwerk contribution) remain unaffected.

The individual standard programme duration extends by one semester for each two semester of a part-time degree programme. Tuition fees for long-term students would be collected later according to this regulation.

BaföG during part-time study

Part-time students do not have the right to receive BAföG. This means that students who receive BAföG lose their right to receive BAföG upon regular entry into part-time study. However, Bafög can be interrupted for temporary part-time study in order to start it again later in full-time study. This does not cause an extension of the total duration of financial support.

However, BAföG itself offers many exceptions for full-time students that lead to an extended duration of financial support, including beyond the standard programme duration. The reasons for being able to take advantage of these exceptions include, for example, child rearing, illness and engagement in academic and student organisations. Binding information can be issued by the BAföG office only.

Financial Support

If you have a study contribution loan from the N-Bank for financing the study contributions, the reduced contribution of 250.00 EUR is provided by the N-Bank. The N-Bank transfers per semester the precise amount claimed by the university. In the event of a change to the study contributions, this is automatically processed via the university.

If you have taken out a student loan with a bank to cover your living costs, you may have to speak to the lender about the continued payment of the loan, depending on the individual case.

Application and deadlines

Applications to start an officially regulated part-time study program may be submitted by 15th July of every year for the following winter semester.
Students who wish to start studying part-time in their first semester must submit their application before enrolling for the respective winter semester.

To apply for part-time study, use Leuphana University's application form.

If you are switching from full-time to part-time study, you should enclose with your application form confirmation that you have consulted the tutor responsible for your major subject or your director of studies.
The application for permission to study part-time must be submitted by the due date to the Student Service together with the necessary documents.

Replacing the student ID card

In the event of theft of the student card/semester ticket, a copy of the report to the police is to be submitted; in all other cases, reasons must be submitted. The application is to be provided with an original signature. Submission is to take place either in person in the info portal or by post.

When the application is submitted, €5.00 in cash in processing fees become due.

Provision of the new semester ticket/ student card
In the case of theft, the new semester ticket/ the student card can be issued immediately in person. In all other cases, it is sent by post to the indicated address upon processing.


If you already study at Leuphana University Lüneburg and wish to continue your studies here, you need to re-register. To perform work and sit assessments, it is essential that you be enrolled.

Re-registration is possible only within the stipulated Re-registration Period. It is

  • in January/February for the summer semester and
  • in June/July for the winter semester.

The exact dates are indicated in the note field of your student card or you can find them on these pages. Additionally, all enrolled students receive a call to re-register by e-mail (here, only your Leuphana e-mail is used).

If you do not re-register by the deadline by transferring the semester contribution, you receive a payment reminder involving a charge (current fee € 15.00). If you do not then re-register within the stated period, you will be de-registered.

When making the transfer, please ensure to state your matriculation number, followed by your surname and first names. Please ensure that the number you provide is the matriculation number (7 digits) and not an applicant number or an lg number. This makes it easier for us to identify you. Only once the complete contribution has been received will you receive your student card.

Changing your personal details

Students are obligated to communicate changes to the details collected at enrolment without delay.
Particularly in the event of address and name changes, the amended details should be communicated to the administrator at Student Services immediately in order to ensure that important programme documents reach you. In order that you can be reached more quickly, you should also communicate your telephone number or mobile phone number.

To ensure that you receive your documents in good time and in an uncomplicated manner, you have the chance to change your details independently via myCampus.

Please note that in the case of a name change, we require the application and the name-change document.

Semester abroad

Acquiring international experience and intercultural expertise is gaining increasingly in importance. A period spent abroad is an important and valuable personal experience: students improve their language skills, new focuses of study and interests develop and international friendships are formed.
Therefore, a period of time spent abroad has many advantages; however, it must also be well prepared. In this regard, please note the following advice:

  • The application for the following semester must be received by the International Center by one month after the start of lectures at the latest.
  • Students in their semester abroad are completely exempt from the semester contributions.
  • A semester abroad is classed as a semester of the programme if recognisable work is completed abroad.
  • Students maintain all their rights and obligations.
  • You will receive a written notification from the Student Services about the registration as a semester abroad.

If you have any further questions about your stay at a partner university or at another university abroad or for all organisational questions such as on accommodation and Visas, please contact the International Center.

Semester contributions

The semester contributions consist of the following items:

  • Studentenwerk contribution: 112.00 euros
  • Student contribution: 131,15 euros (semester ticket: € 113,25, including cultural ticket, StadtRad city bike hire, bike storage and € 17.90 contribution to student organisations)
  • Administrative charge: 75.00 euros
  • Total: 318,15 euros

Transferring the semester contributions

If the semester contribution arrives on Leuphana University Lüneburg’s account by the deadline, you are enrolled and later re-registered. By paying the contribution, you declare that you want to begin or continue your degree programme. The day on which payment is received on the university account counts, the so-called value date. Please ensure that the correct amount is transferred and that the reference is indicated correctly and in full. In the case of a re-registration, please indicate your matriculation number (7 digits) as a reference. If you are enrolling, you must provide your applicant number (9 digits). Your surname and first name follow afterwards in each case.


  • for a re-registration: 1234567, Smith, John  or
  • for an enrolment: 123456789, Smith, John.


Bank details of Leuphana University Lüneburg:

RecipientLeuphana Universität Lüneburg
IBANDE26 2505 0000 0199 9169 17
BankNorddeutsche Landesbank Hannover
  • Matriculation number (or applicant number)
  • Surname, First name

Procedure for applying to study for two degrees

For applying to study for two degrees at Leuphana University Lüneburg, the following procedural rules apply:

  1. Complete and print out the online application.
  2. Complete and print out the application for approval to study for two degrees.
  3. Print out a performance record for yourself via Qis or go to into the info portal and have a transcript of records (ToR) produced there.
  4. Present the application and the performance record/ToR to the first degree programme advisor. Here, it is particularly reviewed whether you have studied your previous degree with above-average success. Criteria for this include the grades of the work completed and the duration of the programme. The programme advisor accepts or rejects the application for approval to study for two degrees
  5. Subsequently, you present the application and the performance record/ToR to the advisor of the degree programme you want to study additionally. The advisor reviews whether the desired second degree represents a sensible complement of the degree started first and confirms this on the application for approval to study for two degrees.
  6. You should submit the printed-out online application and the application signed by both programme advisors to Student Services.