Course content – Cultural Studies: Culture and Organization

On this page you can inform yourself about the curriculum of the Masters programme Cultural Studies: Culture and Organization. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to get in touch with the contact points listed under "Contact and Counselling" and make use of the counselling services offered by the Graduate School.

Course structure

Overview of Modules Master Cultural Studies: Culture and Organization (M.A.)

Elective modules

2nd Semester (2 x 5 CP) + 3rd Semester (2 x 5 CP)

    • Auditory Culture
    • Capitalist Dynamics and Social Change
    • Crises and Ruptures in a Global Context
    • Democracy and the Public
    • Digital Sound Cultures
    • Gender, Queerness, Bodies
    • Knowledge and Research in Digital Cultures
    • Migration and Circulation
    • Organization: Space, Aesthetics, Materiality
    • Organization: Structure, Power, Economies
    • The Arts in Practice
    • Technology and Culture
    • Urban Culture and Space
    • Violence and Social Protest

    Alternatively, the modules "Management & Change" in the winter semester and/or "Contemporary Issues in Management & Entrepreneurship" in the summer semester from the study programme Management & Entrepreneurship can be completed as elective modules.

    Subject-specific area

    Core Area

    In the core area (40 CP) of stu­dy, stu­dents explore key to­pics in the field of or­ga­niza­t­i­ons and or­ga­ni­zing cul­tu­re and the arts, cul­tu­ral en­tre­pre­neurship, di­gi­tal me­dia and cul­tu­ral so­cio­lo­gy.


    The elec­tives (20 CP) al­low stu­dents to both fo­cus and broa­den their stu­dy of cul­tu­re and or­ga­niza­t­i­on, e.g. with mo­du­les on or­ga­niza­t­i­on theo­ry, di­gi­tal cul­tu­res or cri­ti­cal stu­dies. It is also pos­si­ble to choo­se en­tre­pre­neurship or busi­ness stu­dies mo­du­les as electives.

    In­te­gra­ti­on modules

    The Cultural Studies integration modules (15 CP) connect students from all cultural studies Masters programmes at Leuphana and introduce them to the history and methodology of Cultural Studies as well as current debates in the field.

    Master's Thesis/Master's Forum

    Du­ring the fourth se­mes­ter of their Master's pro­gram­me, stu­dents em­bark on their thesis. Theses link ad­van­ced theo­ries to an in-depth en­ga­ge­ment with core em­pi­ri­cal pheno­me­na of cul­tu­re and or­ga­niza­t­i­on. A de­di­ca­ted Master's Fo­rum brings all stu­dents to­ge­ther with teaching staff and is a space in which stu­dents can pre­sent their work in pro­gress, learn about me­thods, and re­cei­ve peer-to-peer feed­back. As a collec­tive pro­cess or­ga­ni­zed around thesis-wri­ting, stu­dents will sha­re their ex­pe­ri­en­ces and re­cei­ve re­gu­lar sup­port from peers and teaching staff: the thesis is not simply an individual challenge.

    Complementary studies

    The Complementary Studies are an essential part of the special teaching model of Leuphana. It supplements and expands students' subject-specific learning with the following three modules (5 CP each) with critical academic and practical perspectives from all faculties:

    1. Engaging with Knowledge and Sciences (in the 1st Semester)
    2. Reflecting on Research Methods (in the 2nd Semester)
    3. Connecting Science, Responsibility and Society (in the 3rd Semester)

    Master's thesis

    Generally, the Master's thesis is written at the end of the degree programme. All the information about the Master's thesis and how to organise your Master's thesis in five steps has been compiled for you on the website Master's thesis.

    In addition, helpful courses for writing the Master's thesis are regularly offered as part of the GradSkills.

    Study regulations/subject-specific schedule

    The following link provides access to documents which set out the general conditions for examinations, an overview of the curriculum, as well as detailed and legally binding regulations.

    General Assessment Regulations and the Subject-Specific Schedules

    Course catalogue

    In the course catalogue you can get an overview of the courses currently offered and their specific contents.

    Contact and Counselling

    First contact point

    The Information Office (Infoportal) is your contact point for

    Information Office

    Building 8, Ground Level
    Fon +49.4131.677-2277

    Campus opening hours
    Mon - Thu 9.00 am - 4:00 pm
    Fr 9.00 am - 12 noon

    Student Counselling

    To make an appointment with our Student Counselling Service, please use our booking tool on our website.