Teacher Education for Vocational Schools - Social Pedagogy

Masters Programme

The programme provides Masters-level preparation for teaching in the field of social pedagogy, with advanced social pedagogy content alongside relevant topics from vocational training research and education studies.

Please Note: The Teacher Education for Vocational Schools – Social Pedagogy (M.Ed.) is offered in the German language and is thus directed at prospective students with a good command of German. The programme’s German-language web pages provide detailed information needed on the content of the course and application procedures.

At a Glance

  • Degree received: Master of Education (M.Ed.)
  • Application deadline: 15 August
  • Type of programme: Thematic relevance
  • Study places: 45
  • Start date: October 1
  • Extent: 120 CP according to ECTS
  • Duration: 4 semesters
  • Languages: German, single classes in English
  • Semester contribution: ca. 390 EUR

Teacher Education for Vocational Schools / Social Pedagogy – the programme

  • Topics
  • Subjectspecific Study Regulation (German)
  • Masters dissertation
  • Programme Director

Teacher Education for Vocational Schools / Social Pedagogy – the programme


In addition to education and research-related topics, you will also study a teaching subject. The programme allows you to concentrate on teaching and learning at vocational schools and universities in your engagement with social pedagogy. Following on from the Bachelor in Social Pedagogy (with teacher education option) at Leuphana College, the Masters takes a closer look at how knowledge in social pedagogy is generated and passed on. Students take research-based modules that focus in more depth on the possibilities of personal knowledge production, as well as modules addressing the educational and institutional framework for teaching social pedagogy. The programme comprises subject-specific content with focuses on childhood and youth research, child and youth welfare research and welfare state research, and educational theory and vocational training research in the discipline.

International comparisons play a central role on this programme as they help us to see the supposedly familiar from a new perspective and, through that critical distance, enable us better to analyse behaviour and methods.

Subjectspecific Study Regulation (German)

A short description of the modules can be found in the study regulations for this Masters Programme.

Masters dissertation

You can start developing the topic for your Masters dissertation with the launch of the Masters Forum in your very first semester. The teaching research projects and seminars offered in the second and third semesters give you an opportunity to narrow your focus. In the fourth semester, the colloquium provides supervision and support with completing your Masters dissertation.

Programme Director

  • Prof. Dr. Philipp Sandermann

Career Prospects

Alumni Careers

Successful completion of the Masters programme opens up a range of excellent opportunities in the field of social pedagogy. Specifically, our Masters programme guarantees graduates:

  • The opportunity to take up a trainee teacher post for vocational school teaching in social pedagogy – in the State of Lower Saxony, proof of a vocational training qualification or relevant professional experience is also required in accordance with section 6 (7) and appendix 5, No. 2d Nds. MaVo Lehr [Lower Saxony Regulations on Teacher Education Masters degrees] (2015). In other words, the Masters is part of your path to teaching in state sector schools.
  • The prospect of posts as departmental head, seminar facilitator and/or in senior management at vocational schools for social pedagogy.
  • The prospect of (managerial) posts in planning, professional development and/or consultancy and development at relevant ministries and public authorities (in the field of family, youth & schools), in particular with independent child and youth welfare organisations and welfare associations.
  • The option of pursuing an education or social sciences doctorate, and therefore of work as a research assistant or and/or lecturer in social pedagogy at university in the longer term.

Doctoral Track

As a student in our programme, you have the opportunity to start your doctorate early via the Doctoral Track. Thus, you to become part of the scientific community of our doctoral research groups at an early stage, giving you the unique opportunity to combine your Master's and doctoral studies and, with your doctorate in sight, to obtain your Master's degree en-route.

Entry Requirements

The Teacher Education for Vocational Schools – Social Pedagogy Masters builds on the Bachelor in Social Pedagogy (with teacher education option) at Leuphana College. The Bachelor programme introduces a vocational education teacher training option and therefore includes not just social pedagogy but also another teaching subject, a vocational and business education component and educational theory modules including a compulsory placement at a vocational school in the field of social pedagogy. These components are required for admission to the Social Pedagogy – Teacher education for Vocational Schools programme and this Masters is therefore only open to graduates of Leuphana College.

After admission to the Bachelor in Social Pedagogy (with teacher education option) at Leuphana College, students can have any module credits from previous programmes recognised if they wish to reduce the course duration for their Bachelor degree. In case you need information to start the Bachelors programme, please switch to Bachelor Social Pedagogy.


First contact point

Con­sult the Information Office in or­der to gain fur­ther in­for­ma­ti­on

  •  on the pro­ce­du­re of ap­p­li­ca­ti­on
  •  on the stu­dy pro­gram­mes at the Leuphana University
  •  or to make an ap­point­ment of student counselling in the Graduate School aside the open consultation hours 
     Tuesday 2 - 4 pm and Thursday 4 - 6 pm


Building 8, Ground Level
Fon +49.4131.677-2277

Opening Hours
Mon - Thu
9:00 am - 4:00 pm 
9:00 am - 12 noon

Student Counselling