Doctoral research group Management, Accounting & Finance
The Doctoral Research Group “Managment, Accounting & Finance” offers a high-quality education for future researchers interested in finance and accounting.
Doctoral Degree
The respective faculty confers the doctoral degree Dr. rer. pol.
- Prof. Dr. rer. pol. Rainer Lueg
Deputy Spokesperson
- Prof. Dr. Patrick Velte
Doctoral Supervisors
- Prof. Dr. Heinrich Degenhart
- Prof. Dr. rer. pol. Rainer Lueg
- Prof. Dr. Henning Schröder
- Prof. Dr. Reinhard Schulte
- Prof. Dr. Patrick Velte
- Prof. Dr. Christoph Wegener
In addition to the modules offered within the doctoral course programme we offer supplementary classes to enhance the PhD experience and provide a kick-start for an academic career. The supplementary classes include research workshops with international guest researchers, PhD conferences involving intensive writing workshops, and a mentoring programme. Our goal is to train doctoral students for research positions at leading universities or advanced research careers in consulting, government or industry. The doctoral students learn to advance theory, develop scientifically sound research designs, and publish their research in international top-tier journals.
Recently completed Disserations
Johannes Thesing: Fair Value Accounting, Corporate Governance, and Accounting-Based Earnings Quality: A Cross-Industry Literature Review and Empirical Evidence from Real Estate Firms
Janice Wobst: Value-Based Management: New Pathways Toward Sustainable Governance Using Natural Language Processing
Doctoral Courses
As a doctoral candidate at Leuphana, you not only write your dissertation, but also participate in the interdisciplinary doctoral courses to the extent of 30 credit points, which include (inter)disciplinary colloquia (Research Forum I and Research Forum II) and furthermore comprises four interdisciplinary modules on research ethics, research methods, scientific practice and current perspectives on science. Please find more information about Leuphana's doctoral courses here.
If you wish to pursue your doctorate at Leuphana, you must be enrolled as doctoral student. Information about admission to the doctorate at Leuphana and the application procedure can be found here.
Leuphana Graduate School offers advice and coaching to academics in the qualification phase. The Graduate School's advisor will be happy to support you in questions of decision-making, challenges in the course of your doctorate, and career planning and development. You can find more information about the counselling and coaching services here.