Leadership Certificate for Graduates: Interdisciplinary exchange

2022-01-10 Not every doctoral thesis leads to an academic career. The majority of doctoral graduates later assume responsibility in companies, foundations, cultural institutions or public institutions. With the university certificate "Leadership in Society and Business", the Graduate School prepares students for these activities. Those interested are invited to the virtual final workshop of last year's group on 16 February. The application deadline for the upcoming certificate programme is 15 January 2022.

The university certificate is aimed at doctoral students and postdocs in the first three years after completing their doctorate at Leuphana.

"With the programme "Leadership in Society and Business", perspectives from all faculties come together. I have benefited greatly from the interdisciplinary exchange," reports Dr Lotte Lutz. The science management officer is now completing the university certificate. Practically, she already uses methods in her everyday work that she learned about in the programme, such as the Kanban board, a tool for project management. "The certificate offers a very diverse range of courses. But it is also the exchange with the other participants that is enriching. In everyday working life, you also meet mixed teams. You learn to organise yourself together."

Over a period of two semesters, doctoral students and postdocs can expand and deepen their skills in seminars and workshops. The content of the courses includes project management, theoretical basics on leadership and human resources or communication, for example in social media. There is also coaching on career planning. During a transfer project, the participants can put their skills to practical use and already establish contacts with business enterprises.

At the virtual final workshop in February, interested participants will meet doctoral graduates who have already succeeded in making the transition from academia to a job in business or society. These include, for example, the business economist Dr. Frank Wessel, who now works in the funding consulting department of the N Bank, or Dr. Theres Konrad, who has set up her own business in the field of art and sustainability. The workshop is open to all interested parties.

The university certificate is aimed at doctoral students and postdocs in the first three years after completing their doctorate at Leuphana. The programme starts again in the summer semester.