Buddy program

International students receive individual support by fellow Leuphana students upon request. The so-called 'buddies' volunteer to help newly arriving students from abroad to settle in and get adjusted in Lüneburg. Buddies provide support to cope with daily life matters. A pick-up from the train station in Lüneburg is possible by arrangement. A buddy is an individual contact person and might even become a friend.

Sign up for a buddy by sending an email to buddy@leuphana.de

Even though we do our best to find a buddy for everyone, there are unfortunately not always sufficient buddies. Who signs up first is first to get a buddy. Therefore, we recommend singing up as early as possible.


Become a buddy:

If you are a Leuphana student and are interested in being a buddy for an international student, just send an email to buddy@leuphana.de with your name, email address, possibly phone number and if applicable countries or languages that you might be interested in.

Most international students arrive in the beginning of March (for the summer semester) or beginning of September (for the winter semester) to take part in the language and orientation program. Ideally, you should therefore be in Lüneburg in the first week of March / September. If this is not the case, please let us know in your email when you will be back in Lüneburg.

From the summer semester 2024, the International Center will also issue a certificate for participation in the Buddy Program if required. The prerequisite for this is to take part in four Buddy-related events and a short experience report. Participation is not limited to one semester.

You can find more information about the Buddy Certificate and the dates of events here.