
You can access myCampus at

From applications to the allocation of study places, assessment registrations and semester fees to the creation of certificates – a campus management system manages many of the most central functions in studying and teaching at a university.

After years of preparation, Leuphana University Lüneburg is introducing the Campus Management System myCampus in cooperation with TU Graz. This is a great opportunity to consolidate existing IT systems of the university, to digitalise and simplify administrative processes as well as to improve the administrative processes in teaching & studying at Leuphana. 

The project to introduce the new system is divided into two phases:

  • In the current introduction phase I, the systems of the provider HIS Hochschul-Informations-System eG (HIS) will be replaced for the application and admission process as well as for student and examination administration in the course of the summer semester 2023.
  • Phase II will see the integration of myStudy functionalities into myCampus.

On this page, you will find an overview of myCampus and all the important information you need to use it as an applicant, student, lecturer, examiner or staff member.

Links to the user manuals for the new system and information for all user groups can be found here.

Changes for students (Phase I)

Since 01.04.2023, applications are possible digitally via myCampus: initially for the Graduate School, gradually for the Professional School and from May 2023 for the College. More detailed information on the application modalities can be found on the application websites of the respective schools.

From 03.07.2023 (12 noon), myCampus will be available to all students.

The following functionalities will be made available to all students in myCampus:

  • In the assessment administration area: registering for and deregistering from assessments, viewing grades, printing out transcripts, digital submission of theses as of WiSe 23/24
  • In the study administration area: printout of enrolment certificates, management of contact and address data as well as access to the semester fee status

We recommend attending one of our faculty-specific information events for your faculty / school so that we can show you the system and all the new processes in myCampus as well as how to check your data. You can find the dates here.

Notes on address and contact data in myCampus

Check your address and contact details in the application Current/Home Address in myCampus and correct them yourself if necessary. If you would like to benefit from a two-factor authentication for Leuphana account recovery (password reset) in the future, deposit your mobile phone number in myCampus according to the specified format and add a private verified e-mail address via your business card.

Notes on assessment registrations and grades

If you notice any discrepancies when checking your performance data and assessment registrations, we would like to ask you to inform us of these via this form.

Notes on assessment deregistrations

From 3.7.2023 at 12 noon, you can deregister for assessments yourself via myCampus in accordance with the current General Assessment Regulations. After this time, no more forms for deregistration from assessments will be accepted. Before, you could only deregister from assessments that take place between 16.05.2023 and 02.07.2023 using a form.

In the case of deregistrations from written examinations, the associated automatic re-registration for the subsequent date will only take place once the first date has been assessed and the grades have been published.

Changes for lecturers (Phase I)

The professional check of the consecutive nature of applications to Master's programmes will be carried out in myCampus from April 2023.

As of 03.07.2023 (12 noon), the assessment administration will be available to all examiners and staff involved. This includes the following functionalities / applications:

  • “My Supervised Assessments”: grading and submission of grades to Student Services in myCampus (no longer via myStudy)
  • “My Supervised Theses”: evaluation and upload of reviews in myCampus

We offer training sessions so that you can work with the new system easily and without complications. Please register for this under MIZ Training Programme (in the section "Campus Management").

If you are unable to view your examinations in myCampus or if you notice any errors, please contact us at We kindly ask you to be patient in advance with regard to troubleshooting.

Changes for staff members (Phase I)

The work steps and processes previously handled by the HIS systems will be carried out in myCampus in the future:

  • From March 2023, myCampus will be the leading system for master data and study data management for students.
  • From April 2023, applications received digitally can be processed in myCampus. This includes the formal and subject-related evaluation of the applications as well as the admission and enrolment of the applicants.
  • From 03.07.2023, assessment administration will be carried out via myCampus (changeover from HIS to myCampus).
    The assessments offered for the summer semester 2023 will be imported into myCampus with the data migration. From the winter semester 2023/2024 onwards, the assessments on offer will be transferred from myStudy to myCampus via an interface. The Professional School will record its assessments independently on the myCampus interface.

Information and Training Events

For Students

No further training dates are currently planned.

For Teachers and Administrative Staff

Training dates will be addressed directly to you personally or to your department, or will be offered in due course via the Continuing Education section.

Training courses for teachers and administrative staff, e.g. on entering grades, are planned from June 2023. You can find the dates and register here.

Support and contacts

Questions about the study application

Questions about understanding the application, initial information about the study programme, errors in the data entered, application status

Room C 8.018
Mon - Thu: 9:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m.
Fri: 9:00 a.m. - 12:00 noon
Phone +49.4131.677-2277

Questions during the studies

Administratives, Veranstaltungsangebot, Kurswahl, Anmeldeverfahren und Studienberatung

Room C 8.018
Mon - Thu: 9:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m.
Fri: 9:00 a.m. - 12:00 noon
Phone +49.4131.677-2277

Technical problems with myCampus

Malfunctions, non-availability of the system

For staff: for content-related questions and configuration needs (e.g. roles and rights, guest management)

myCampus Support

IT problems

Difficulties logging in with the Leuphana account, email, Wi-Fi, VPN, software licences

For Staff

Room C 7.004
Mon - Thu 9:00 - 15:00 hrs
Fri 9:00 - 13:00 hrs
Phone +49.4131.677-1212


For Students

Tutors Team
Library foyer
Mon - Thu 10:00 - 18:00 hrs
Fon +49.4131.677-1222