
The library holds nearly 609,000 volumes, plus about 350 print journals, nearly 61,000 current electronic journals, about 522,000 e-books and about 245 electronic databases [as of 2022]..

The print collections are freely accessible for the most part, either in the reading room or the open stacks. Additionally there are two closed stacks, primarily for older titles, which can bei ordered through the catalogue oder LUX.

The print collections in the reading room are shelved systematically.

Please feel free to suggest any title you wish to add to our collections.


The Walter Uka Collection holds approximately 55.000 film recordings which can be checked out through the library. However, the titles may only be used for teaching and learning purposes by students or teaching staff of Leuphana University. This needs to be confirmed ona form which can be downloaded here. Students will need the signature of teaching staff to be eligible to use certan items. Ordererd titles can be ordered through our catalogue or LUX. An e-mail will be sent once the title is available to be picked up.

Search the catalogue of "Walter-Uka-Sammlung"

Agenda Library

The Agenda Library used to be a print collection of literature on environmental education and sustainability. It also contained donations of honorary doctors Prof. Dr Ernst Udo Simonis (research professor for environmental politcs at Wissenschaftszentrum Berlin) and Prof. Dr. Dr. Günter Altner (co-founder of Öko-Institut in Freiburg). The collections are still available, but no longer shelved together. Titles can be found at our Virtuelle Agenda-Bibliothek.



The library holds donations from the collection of these researchers:

  • Prof. Dr. Jörn Rüsen (Witten-Herdecke; KWI)
  • Prof. Dr. Winfried Steffani (Hamburg)
  • Prof. Dr. Uwe Thaysen (Lüneburg)
  • Prof. Andrei S. Markovits (Ann Arbor)

Arno Schmidt Collection

Arno Schmidt (1914-1979), "giant of postwar German literature" (New York Times), who played a decisive role in literary hypertext, used to live in a small house in Bargfeld near Celle, which is now a museum and archive for the wiriter. The library has been holding a collection of his works since 1994, plus:

  • all first editions, as well as special editions, works containing a dedication by the author, including a bootleg copy of "Zettels Traum
  • articles and books on Arno Schmidt
  • radio programmes
  • translations of Arno Schmidt's works in English and other languages
  • translations by Arno Schmidt
  • the journal "Bargfelder Bote" of the Arno-Schmidt-Dechiffrier-Syndikat
  • posters, graphics, fotos and more.

The collection may be viewed upon request and is not available for loan.

Microform collections

Daily newspapers from the north-eastern region of Lower Saxony have been transformed into microforms in the late 1980s, funded by Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft and "Arbeitsgemeinschaft Kultur und Geschichte Nordostniedersachens". The collections consists of the nearly all print daily newspapers form the region from the beginning of the 19th century until 1945. About 170 films are available. A microfrom reader to read,scan and print content from microfilms and microfiches is available at the library.

The microforms can be found via our search engine and order. For questions and reservations of the reader please contact