• I get the message "Membership expired"
  • Do I have to inform the University Library when I move house?
  • Loan period and renewal
  • I cannot pick up the books I reserved within the prescribed period
  • How do I keep track of the items I borrowed?
  • I can't return the items I borrowed on time

Frequently asked questions

How do I keep track of the items I borrowed?

Please note that you are responsible for your user account.We will send out reminders and overdue notices via e-mail.

I can't return the items I borrowed on time

If you cannot return the books on time because of sickness or for other reasons, please call us as early as possible before the loan period expires or send us an e-mail. We will then try to find a solution. It is possible to return books by post or by using the return box situated outside the library.

I cannot pick up the books I reserved within the prescribed period

Please call us or write us an e-mail. We may then be able to keep the reserved books for you longer, but only if they have not already been reserved by other library users.

You can also ask a person of your choice to pick up the books. For this, you must give a written power of attorney to that person. The power of attorney can be sent per post, e-mail or fax. It is only valid for this one borrowing transaction.

I get the message "Membership expired"

If you receive the message "Membership expired", please contact the the service or information desk. We will need to check your address data and renew your account. This is free of charge and serves to keep your account data correct.

Do I have to inform the University Library when I move house?

Yes, please, because we are not automatically informed when a student tells the Registration Service that they have moved. Please come to the service desk and bring your official ID card with you.

Loan period and renewal

The standard loan period is 28 days. Selected books, mainly from the law section, circulate for shorter perios (14 days, overnight). They are labeled accordingly in the catalogue. 

Please make sure to renew books a few days prior to the actual due date. Not all books might be eligible for renewal because there might be reservations. These books will be fined on the first day after the due date.

Renewals can be made through your accout in the library catalog. Please have your library card number and password at hand for authentification. For renewals, go to "loan". Books can be renewed four times. After that they need to be brought back to the library before they can be checked out again.