Searching for literature

LUX und Catalogue

The search engine LUX allows you to search for books, journals and articles from journals and lets you refine your search to electronic resources. Use the library catalogue to find books and journals.

Digital library

Our pages on e-books and e-journals help you to get an overview about our electronic resources. Use databases to do in-depth searching for bibliographic information.

Useful tips for searching

  1. Choose the right tool. For specific queries, use databases instead of the catalogue. Our search engine LUX is very good at finding articles that are electronically available.
  2. Try different search terms! Using the title keywords of your paper might not be sufficient. Use broader, narrower or alternative search terms!
  3. Always use VPN to make sure you have access to all licensed content!
  4. When in doubt: Ask a librarian - drop by the reference desk or send us an email!

Course reserves

Course reserves (in German: Seminarapparate) contain the reading material for a specific course.

Reference Management

Software for reference management helps you with the organisation of citations and the creation of bibliographies for your papers. Leuphana University Library has a campus-wide license for Citavi, a swiss tool which is for Windows only. We also recommend Zotero, a plugin for Firefox and Chrome. We regularly offer introductions into both tools, see "Aktuelles" for details.


Overview on the collections, new acquisitions and a form to suggest new titles.