Open Access Articles

Funding for open access articles

Open Access articles can be subsidised on the one hand by funds from the German Research Foundation (DFG) and on the other hand by library funds. The funding source whose eligibility criteria are met is used to finance the publication fee. If the criteria of both funding sources (DFG and library) are met, they can be combined. The funding criteria of the DFG and library funds differ with regard to the group of persons eligible for funding. The publication-specific funding criteria, however, are identical.

► In addition to the publication fund, funding for open access articles is possible via publisher agreements, on the basis of which open access publishing can be either discounted or free of charge.

► You can use the Leuphana B!SON version to search for open access journals and to display information on funding opportunities at Leuphana for each journal.



  • Articles in journals with an open access option are not eligible (so-called hybrid open access). Some hybrid journals are covered by the publisher agreements.
  • Third-party funds available to finance publication fees must be used as a priority.
  • Please submit your manuscripts to publishers with your ORCID iD whenever possible.
  • Regarding the choice of a Creative Commons licence, we strongly recommend the CC BY 4.0 licence, as this is open access compliant.
  • How much is the funding?
  • Who is eligible for funding? (DFG)
  • Who is eligible for funding? (Library funds)
  • What is funded?
  • What is not funded?
  • Funding notice
  • Payment methods
  • Application
  • Consultation

How much is the funding?

Fees for open access articles can be fully financed via the publication fund. If other funds are available for (partial) financing, these are to be used as a priority (this applies in particular to third-party funds).

Who is eligible for funding? (DFG)

Eligible authors are those who are members of Leuphana University Lüneburg up to the date of publication and are responsible for payment of the publication fee as corresponding authors. The primary affiliation to Leuphana must be stated by the corresponding author in the publication.

Who is eligible for funding? (Library funds)

Eligible for funding are full-time professors and research assistants who are in an employment relationship with Leuphana as well as internal scholarship holders. This employment relationship with Leuphana has to exist until the acceptance date of the publication.

Excluded from funding are professors and research assistants who are only working temporarily or as guests, external scholarship holders and registered doctoral students without an employment relationship with Leuphana.

What is funded?

The conditions apply equally to DFG and library funding:

  • articles for which the corresponding author is an eligible applicant.
  • articles for which the corresponding author indicates Leuphana as the primary affiliation.
  • the article is published in a fully/gold open access journal (= all articles are published open access). The journal should preferably be indexed in the DOAJ (Directory of Open Access Journals).
  • the article is quality controlled ("peer reviewed").
  • the article is of the type "Research Article".
  • the article is published under a free licence (recommendation: Creative Commons licence CC BY 4.0).

The funded articles are to be provided with a respective funding notice.

What is not funded?

The DFG and library funds are not used for:

  • articles in hybrid journals (= subscription journals in which authors can choose to publish in open access for a fee). Note: On the basis of publisher agreements, open access publishing in hybrid journals is often possible free of charge for Leu phana members. Check on the page "Publisher agreements" via the linked title lists whether your desired journal is covered by an agreement.
  •  articles in mirror journals (= open access version of an existing subscription journal)
  • additional fees, e.g. colour charge or submission charge
  • publications that can be fully financed by third-party funding


Funding notice

All funded publications should include a funding notice. The suggested wording varies depending on the funding source and will be communicated via the Open Access Team.

Payment methods

The invoice amounts can either be paid directly to the publisher via MIZ:Library or reimbursed to the Institute.

Refunds are only possible for already published open access publications with a publication date starting in 2021. In addition, refunds require that the corresponding author is affiliated with Leuphana at the time of payment, as refunds to external parties are not possible.


Funding applications for open access articles can be submitted as soon as the manuscript has been accepted for publication.

Applications for funding are to be submitted to the Open Access Team:

The funding commitments are valid for 12 months. If publication has not taken place after this period, a new funding application must be submitted.


It is best to contact the Open Access Team before submitting your manuscript to clarify any questions regarding eligibility or invoicing. We will be pleased to support you:


Gesa Baron
Universitätsallee 1, CB.107
21335 Lüneburg
Fon +49.4131.677-1183

Martin Bilz
Universitätsallee 1, CB.105
21335 Lüneburg
Fon +49.4131.677-1113