Publisher Agreements
Leuphana has entered into agreements for open access publishing with several publishers to support its researchers financially and organisationally. These agreements offer authors to publish open access either at a discount or free of charge. The following list provides an overview of the conditions and workflows of individual publishers with whom agreements exist.
► In addition to publishing agreements, funding is possible through the Open Access Publication Fund.
► You can use the Leuphana B!SON version to search for open access journals and to display information on funding opportunities at Leuphana for each journal.
In order to be eligible for funding, the corresponding author (Wiley: responsible corresponding author) must be affiliated with Leuphana Universität Lüneburg and must indicate this institution as primary affiliation when submitting the manuscript. Please submit your articles using your Leuphana email address and – whenever possible – your ORCID iD. Regarding the choice of a Creative Commons license, we strongly recommend CC BY 4.0, as this is open access compliant.
Hybrid Open Access: Hybrid journals are subscription-based journals in which authors can choose to publish their articles either behind a paywall or open access.
Gold Open Access: In gold (genuine/fully) open access journals all articles are published open access.
Elsevier (DEAL)
Eligible are Submitting Corresponding Authors of Leuphana
Hybrid Open Access: free of charge, applies exclusively to authors in an employment relationship with Leuphana that exists until the acceptance date.
Gold Open Access: 20 % discount on Elsevier open access journals and 15 % discount on the list prices of Cell Press and The Lancet journals.
Details on the workflow
In order to benefit from these special conditions, authors have to submit their manuscripts to the Elsevier journal as corresponding authors and indicate Leuphana as their primary affiliation. Ideally, the corresponding author should submit the manuscript using the Leuphana e-mail address.
Once the manuscript has been accepted for publication, the submitting corresponding author will receive an email from Elsevier to finalise the publication process. After login on the Elsevier platform, Leuphana has to be selected as institution from a drop-down menu. Co-authors and research funders can then be added. Afterwards, the publication form has to be selected, whereby open access is set by default. If the open access option is not favoured for hybrid journals, the authors need to contact the publisher. If open access is preferred, the submitting corresponding author has to select a Creative Commons licence (we recommend CC BY 4.0). The MIZ will then be informed by the publisher to verify the Leuphana affiliation of the article. Finally, the submitting corresponding author is informed of the verification result and the article is published open access.
If the Leuphana affiliation can be confirmed, the invoice will be addressed to the MIZ. Otherwise, the publication fee will be invoiced to the authors.
Springer Nature (DEAL)
Hybrid Open Access: Free of charge (in Open Choice journals). From 2024: Applies exclusively to authors in an employment relationship with Leuphana that exists until the acceptance date.
Eligible article types: Research Articles (= Original Paper, Review Paper, Brief Communication) and Non-Research Articles (= Editorial Notes, Book Reviews, Letters, Reports (except for: Non-Research Articles in specialist medical journals).
Gold Open Access: 20 % discount (in BioMed Central and Springer Open journals)
Eligible article types: only Research Articles (= Original Paper, Review Paper, Brief Communication)
► Title list
All eligible hybrid journals can be filtered via column H (Publishing Model = Hybrid (Open Choice)). Subscription-only and Hybrid (Third Party) model journals are not covered by this contract. Column R (BMC Discount = yes) can be used to filter fully open access journals to which the 20 % discount applies.
Further information on the procedure can be found on the publisher's website. Information on DEAL with Springer Nature can be found here.
Wiley (DEAL)
Eligible are Responsible Corresponding Authors of Leuphana
Hybrid Open Access: Free of charge. From 2024: Applies exclusively to authors in an employment relationship with Leuphana that exists until the acceptance date.
Gold Open Access: 20 % discount
► Title list
Further information on the procedure can be found on the publisher's website. Information on DEAL with Wiley can be found here.
- Eligible article types: "Primary Research Article" and "Review Article". By contrast, editorials such as "Letters" or book reviews are not eligible for funding.
- Wiley offers authors the opportunity to convert their articles, which have already been published in hybrid journals, open access retrospectively and free of charge.This applies to articles with an acceptance date from 1 July 2019. A prerequisite is that the corresponding author of the article is affiliated with Leuphana. The corresponding author can transform the article via the Wiley Author Services platform by navigating to the publication and selecting the OnlineOpen option.
Hybrid Open Access: Free of charge(in Nature and Nature research journals)
► Title list
All eligible journals can be filtered via column H (Publishing Model = Transformative).
Further information can be found on the publisher's website.
Cambridge University Press (CUP)
Hybrid Open Access: Free of charge
Gold Open Access: Free of charge
For more information see the step-by-step guide and open access publishing workflow.
De Gruyter
Hybrid Open Access: Free of charge
► Title list
Gold Open Access: 20 % discount
► Title list
Due to an institutional membership with Frontiers, invoices can be addressed centrally to the University Library so that the invoice amount can be paid directly via the Open Access Publication Fund. A prerequisite for central invoicing is that the funding criteria of the Publication Fund are met.
Hogrefe (PsyJournals)
Hybrid Open Access: Free of charge (in OpenMind journals of the PsyJournals portfolio)
► Title list
Further information can be found on the publisher's website.
Hybrid Open Access: Free of charge in all SAGE Choice Journals
► Title list
For more information on the hybrid open access programme SAGE Choice, please visit the publisher's website.
Gold Open Access: 20 % discount
► Title list
Green Open Access: Authors of Leuphana are eligible to enter their articles, which are published in the licensed journals, in the published version (publisher's PDF) into the research information system Pure with an embargo of one year. More information on this can be found on the publisher's website.
Taylor & Francis
Eligible are all Submitting Corresponding Authors of Leuphana.
Hybrid Open Access: Free of charge
►Title list
Gold Open Access: 15 % discount
► Title list
Eligible article types: Article, Research Article, Review, Review Article, Report, Brief Report, Note, Case Report, Essay, Discussion.
Gesa Baron
Universitätsallee 1, CB.107
21335 Lüneburg
Fon +49.4131.677-1183
Martin Bilz
Universitätsallee 1, CB.105
21335 Lüneburg
Fon +49.4131.677-1113