MIZ training program

The Media and Information Center at Leuphana offers a comprehensive portfolio of events for students, teachers and researchers on information and media literacy as well as the subject area of eScience. Please note that some of the events will only be held after a certain number of registrations have been received.

  • Working and learning techniques for studying
  • Library use and literature research
  • Campus management
  • e-Science
  • Reference management and scientific work
  • Media design

Working and learning techniques for studying

No events are offered at the moment.

Library use and literature research

No events are offered at the moment.

Campus management

No events are offered at the moment.


No events are offered at the moment.

Reference management and scientific work

TitleDateTimeSpeakerTarget groupPlacesRegistration
Zotero: Don't get lost in the details - collect, sort and cite texts efficiently (Zoom) 24.09.2024
14:15-15:45 Sandra Dahlhoff All employees, Postdoctoral researchers, Doctoral candidates, Students, Scientists and researchers 30 Register

Media design

No events are offered at the moment.