Terms of Use

Terms of Use (Library)

I. General

§ 1

These terms shall govern the use of the University Library of Lüneburg with the Central Library on campus and the branch libraries at the locations Lüneburg-Volgershall, Lüneburg-Rotes Feld and Suderburg.

§ 2
Purpose of the Library

(2) The Library shall fulfil its duties by, in particular, a) making its collection available for use on its premises, b) borrowing suitable items for use outside the Library, c) producing, enabling or arranging reproductions of its own works and works procured from other libraries, d) procuring works through inter-Library loan and making them available for lending, e) providing information on the basis of its collections and information resources, f) providing information from databases, g) providing public relations services through exhibitions, guided tours and lectures, and by issuing publications. (3) The nature and scope of the services provided shall depend on the tasks to be performed by the Library and on the human, material and technical resources available.

II. General Terms and Conditions of Use

§ 3
Legal nature of the library-user relationship

The library-user relationship shall, as a general rule, be governed by public law. Agreements under private law may be concluded on any special types of use.

§ 4
Admission to use

(1) Use of the library shall be subject to admission.

 (2) Use shall be subject to registration. As a general rule, any registration shall be made personally. Presentation of a valid identity card or passport shall be required. Where residence is not apparent from such identity documents, presentation of additional official documentation providing such proof shall be required. Students shall be required to prove their eligibility by presenting a valid certificate of enrolment.

(3) Registration for use by legal entities, public bodies, companies and institutes or organisational units of a university must be made by an authorised representative. The Library may demand proof of signing authority and the deposit of specimen of signatories’ signatures.

(4) Admission to local use shall be granted by issuing a Library card, which shall remain the property of the library and shall not be transferable.

(5) Admission may be limited in time and may be subject to terms and conditions.

(6) Admission may be made subject to written consent and/or to a directly enforceable guarantee given by the legal representatives.

(7) The application for registration shall constitute acceptance of these regulations.

(8) The library shall, without delay, be notified of any changes of personal data, in particular name and address, and of the stored email addresses, if any. Whoever fails to comply with this obligation, shall be liable to the library for any costs and disadvantages resulting thereof.

(9) At the end of the library-user relationship, all items borrowed from the library as well as the user card must be returned. Any outstanding obligations must be settled. Unfulfilled obligations shall continue to exist after the end of the library-user relationship.

(10) Insofar as a notice of exmatriculation or termination of employment at Leuphana University Lüneburg requires a formal discharge by the library, such discharge shall only be granted if the obligations under subsection 9 have been fulfilled.

§ 5
Storage of personal data

(1) The library shall collect and process personal user data, to the extent that this is necessary for the legitimate performance of its tasks. As a rule, the following data shall be collected:

a) User data (name and address, telephone number, e-mail address, date of birth, gender, user number and, if applicable, university matriculation number, date of admission, expiration,  modification date of the library-user relationship, and user status and type),

b) usage data (date of loan, end of loan period, date of loan extensions, date of return, reservations and orders with date, date of origin and amount of fees, compensation and expenses, entries on suspensions and exclusions, and number of current reminders).

(2) The usage data will be deleted as soon as the user has returned the item in question and, if applicable, has paid any fees, expenses and charges due and has provided the replacements owed. Suspension notices are deleted as soon as the obligations on which they are based have been fulfilled.

(3) Entries concerning a temporary exclusion from use will be deleted one year after the expiry of the exclusion period.

(4) User data will be deleted one year after the end of the library-user relationship at the latest. If the user has not yet fulfilled all obligations to the library at this point in time, the data will be deleted immediately after fulfilment of the obligations.

(5) Paragraphs 2 to 4 shall not apply to the use of particularly valuable works

§ 6
Behaviour in the library

(1) Users shall behave in such a way that others are not impaired in their legitimate interests and that library operations are not impeded. They are obliged to observe the library's instructions. The orders of the library staff must be followed.

(2) Coats and similar items of clothing, hats, umbrellas, bags and other containers suitable for holding library items are to be locked in the wardrobes and lockers provided for this purpose. The lockers shall be emptied at the latest when the library is closed. The library reserves the right to open any lockers that are not emptied at that time and to retain the deposit.

(3) Photographs, video and audio recordings of any kind may be made in the library only with the consent of the library management.

(4) All library areas used by the public must be kept as quiet as possible. Smoking, eating and drinking are only permitted in the rooms provided for this purpose. Animals may not be brought into the library.

(5) The library may prohibit the use of dictaphones, data processing equipment, mobile telephones, typewriters or other devices or restrict their use to special workplaces.

§ 7
Copyright and personality rights

(1) Users shall comply with the copyright laws, only use the electronic versions of works provided for their own academic purpose, shall not download them systematically and neither pass them on to outside third parties nor use them commercially, and not violate any of the additional restrictions on use set by the library.

(2) Users are obliged to respect the personality rights of third parties, insofar as they may be affected by the use and further processing of the information provided or made available by the library.

§ 8
Due diligence and liability for damages

(1) Library materials must be handled with care. Writing, underlining, marking and tracing are not permitted.

(2) Users must check the condition and completeness of each item upon receipt and report any damage to the library staff immediately.

(3) Anyone who loses or damages library property or who damages other working materials or objects of the library must pay damages and is liable according to the general regulations, even if he or she is not at fault. The library shall determine the type of compensation at its reasonable discretion. In particular, it may demand that the user restore the item to its former condition, procure a replacement copy, another item of equal value or a reproduction at the user's expense, or set an appropriate monetary compensation; in addition, it may seek compensation for any loss in value not compensated for by these measures.

(4) The loss of a library card must be reported to the library immediately.

(5) The user is liable for damages caused to the library by misuse of the user card according to the general regulations, even if he/she is not at fault.

§ 9
Inspections, lost property, house rules

(1) All books, periodicals, etc. carried in the library must be clearly presented to the library staff. The library is also authorised to inspect the contents of folders, bags and other containers.

(2) Official identification and the user card must be presented to the library staff upon request.

(3) Items found in the library or taken from lockers that have not been vacated in a timely manner will be handled in accordance with § 978 of the BGB.

(4) The library management exercises domiciliary rights; it may assign library employees to exercise domiciliary rights

§ 10

(1) Upon request, the library may create microfiches, microfilms and other reproductions from its collections or from library materials procured by it, or have them created, provided that it is ensured that the items will not be damaged. Users are solely responsible for compliance with copyright and personal rights and other rights of third parties in the use of these reproductions.

(2) Reproductions from manuscripts and other special collections as well as older, valuable works or works requiring special care may only be made by the library or with its consent. The library determines the type of reproduction. It may refuse or limit duplication for reasons of conservation.

(3) If the library itself makes the reproduction, it shall retain the rights arising therefrom; the original records shall remain its property.

(4) Reproduction for commercial purposes (e.g. document delivery services, reprints, facsimile editions, postcards) or on a larger scale requires a special agreement which also determines the compensation. The right of reproduction and use may not be transferred to third parties without the permission of the library.

(5) The lending of items for exhibitions or their use for photo, film and television recordings requires a special agreement.

§ 11
Opening hours

The opening hours of the library are determined by the library management and announced by notice board. The library may be closed temporarily for urgent reasons.

§ 12
Liability of the library

(1) The university is not liable for loss of or damage to items brought into the library. The university is liable for items lost from the existing storage facilities only if the library is proven to be at fault; there is no liability for money, valuables, and precious items.

(2) The university is not liable for damages caused by incorrect, incomplete, omitted or delayed library services. The same applies to damages resulting from the use of data storage devices, databases or electronic networks.

§ 13
Fees and expenses, charges, deposits

(1) Charging of fees and expenses shall be governed by the fee regulations of the libraries of the State of Lower Saxony as currently in effect.

(2) The request for reproductions, the loan of items for exhibitions or their use for photo, film and television productions, the use of fee-based database connections and other special facilities and services of the library obligates the user to pay the fees announced by library notice.

(3) For the private and commercial use of collections, in particular for the utilisation of reproductions from manuscripts and other valuable collections, the library may charge fees to be agreed upon in individual cases.

(4) An appropriate deposit may be charged for the provision of keys to checkroom lockers, lockers and other library facilities. If locks have to be replaced due to the loss of keys, the user shall bear the costs.

III. Use within the Library

§ 14

(1) By using the library facilities and services, the user agrees to comply with the relevant provisions of the library regulations.

(2) Access to the library may be made dependent on the presentation of a library card.

§ 15
Provision of information

(1) The library provides oral and written information on the basis of its information resources within the scope of its personnel and technical possibilities. If, in addition, other information services are used on behalf of the users, the library shall be reimbursed for the expenses incurred.

(2) No guarantee is given for the correctness and completeness of the information provided.

(3) Estimating the value of books and manuscripts is not part of the library's duties.

§ 16
Use in the reading room

(1) All items placed and displayed in the reading rooms of the library may be used on the premises.

(2) Reading room places may not be pre-occupied. Anyone leaving the reading room must clear his or her place, unless a permanent workstation can be assigned to him or her there. Otherwise, occupied but untaken spaces may be cleared and reassigned by library staff.

(3) As a rule, the reference collection of the reading rooms may only be used in the rooms in which it is displayed or laid out. After use, the items are to be returned to their location or deposited in a place designated for this purpose. If, for security reasons, reading room items are placed with the library staff, they will be issued there upon deposit of an ID card.

(4) All items placed in the closed stacks as well as items owned by other libraries may be ordered for use in the reading room. They are to be collected at the designated place (reading room staff, lending desk) and returned there. If items provided for use in the reading room are not used for more than three days, the library may dispose of them otherwise.

§ 17
Access to the closed stacks

Access to closed stacks is generally not permitted.

§ 18
Use of manuscripts and other special collections

(1) Manuscripts and other valuable collections may be used only if the purpose is stated and only in the rooms designated by the library for consultation. The security precautions necessary for the preservation of these collections shall be observed.

(2) The library may exclude contemporary manuscripts and autographs, especially bequests, from use for an appropriate period of time in order to protect personal rights.

(3) Texts and images from manuscripts and autographs of the library may only be published with the consent of the library. The same applies to publications from rare prints and portrait collections. In the case of publication, the user is responsible for compliance with copyright regulations. Even after permission for publication has been granted, the library retains the right to publish the texts and images in question itself or to permit third parties to publish them.

(4) A specimen copy of every publication from and about manuscripts and autographs of the library is to be delivered to the library without request and free of charge immediately after publication. The same applies, at the request of the library, to publications from or about rare prints. The library reserves the right to make special arrangements in individual cases. The provisions of copyright law remain unaffected.

§ 19
Use of technical equipment

(1) The library provides technical equipment for the use of information carriers within the scope of its possibilities.

(2) Defects detected before and during use shall be reported to the library staff without delay.

(3) The use of computer workstations is regulated in a supplement to the Library Regulations ("Supplementary Regulations for the Use of Computer Workstations at Leuphana University Library").

IV. Lending

§ 20
General lending regulations

(1) The item available in the library may be borrowed for use outside the library. Excluded are in principle:

a) the reference collection of the reading rooms and the other service rooms,
b) manuscripts and autographs,
c) works of special value,
d) collected volumes und loose-leaf editions,
e) mathematical tables, maps, atlases,
f)  newspapers,
g) unbound works, individual issues of unbound periodicals,
h) microforms.

(2) The library management may exclude further items from borrowing or restrict their borrowing. In particular, it may exclude individual items or groups of literature from borrowing for a limited period or, if borrowed, reclaim them.

(3) For reference collections, the library management may set special conditions for short-term lending, e.g. overnight or over the weekend.

(4) The issue of much requested items may be restricted to the reading room.

(5) The library is entitled to limit the number of individual order and the number of volumes borrowed at the same time.

(6) In the case of works which are not suitable for unrestricted use, borrowing may be made dependent on proof of an academic or professional purpose.

(7) As a rule, the user must personally receive the requested items at the circulation desk. Items taken from the open access collections must normally be presented by the user in person at the circulation desk or booked at the self-check-out machine.

(8) The borrowing process is completed when the item is checked out and handed over to the user. The borrower is liable for the item from this point until it is returned, even if he or she cannot be proven to be at fault.

(9) Ordered and reserved items will generally not be kept available for more than eight days.

(10) The library is entitled, but not obligated, to hand over the items to any person who shows the corresponding user card as well as a power of attorney of the respective user.

(11) Borrowed items may not be passed on to third parties.

(12) Academic and artistic employees at Leuphana University are entitled to apply for the establishment of course reserves ("Handapparat"). The separate provisions of the “Handapparat” shall apply.


§ 21
Borrowing procedure

(1) Borrowing is done by means of the library card at the circulation desks of the library or at self-check-out machines. Items registered in the electronic lending system are ordered electronically, those not registered with an order form. As a rule, a conventional order is only permissible if the item is not covered by the electronic lending system. The machine recording of the borrowing process is considered proof that the item has been issued.

(2) Self-service may be permitted for certain transactions at the terminals designated for this purpose. This applies in particular to

a) Book inquiries (title, loan status),
b) orders,
c) extensions of the loan period,
d) reservations,
e) overview of the lending, fee and cost accounts,
f) borrowing by means of self-check-out machines.

(3) In the case of automated check-out, the borrowing receipt may be left out. If the order is placed electronically, the user number and password must be entered.

§ 22
Loan periods, extensions, reclaims

(1) As a rule, the loan period is 28 days. The library may set a different period according to the requirements of the circulation service.

(2) The loan period may be extended upon request if the item is not required by another user and the borrower has fulfilled his or her obligations to the library. In accordance with the requirements of the circulation service, extensions of the loan period may be excluded. Requests for extensions must be made before the loan period expires. The user is obliged to check whether the extension has been carried out based on the user account.

(3) The library sets a limit on the number of loan period extensions. When extending the loan period, the library may demand the presentation of the borrowed item. An extension beyond the period of validity of the authorisation of use shall not be granted.

(4) The library may reclaim an item before the expiry of the loan period if it is needed for official purposes. It may order a general return of all items for the purpose of revision.

(5) When lending items that are required for research purposes for a longer period of time, the library may - without a special request - extend the loan period several times if there are no reservations against it.

§ 23

(1) Borrowed library items must be returned without request at the latest upon expiration of the loan period. The obligation to return shall also arise if the library reclaims a book before the expiry of the loan period.

(2) Upon return, users are discharged by deletion of the borrowing note in the file of the lending system.

(3) Returns shall be made informally at the return locations designated by the library. If a receipt is desired, this must be communicated before the return process begins.

(4) The return of books via the University library's book drop is at the borrower's own risk and under the borrower's burden of proof.

§ 24

(1) Anyone who exceeds the loan period without having applied for an extension in good time will be reminded in writing or by e-mail, setting a deadline. If he/she does not comply with this reminder in due time, a second reminder will be issued. If the deadline set in the second reminder is not met, a third reminder will be issued with a deadline of 14 days. At the same time, the library shall point out the legal consequences of failure to comply with the deadline (paragraph 6).

(2) Reminders are subject to a fee. The amount of the fees shall be based on the fee schedule of the federal state as currently in effect.

(3) The reminder fee shall be incurred upon the issuance of the reminder letter or the sending of the e-mail.

(4) Reminders for return shall be deemed to have been delivered three days after posting with the postal service. They shall also be deemed to have been delivered if they were mailed to the last address notified by the borrower and returned as undeliverable. E-mail reminders do not require a signature and shall be deemed to have been delivered immediately if they are addressed to the last e-mail address on file.

(5) As long as the borrower does not comply with the request for return or does not pay the fees owed, the library may stop lending further items to the borrower and refuse to extend the loan period.

(6) If the borrowed item is not returned within 14 days after the third reminder, the library may

a) have the book collected from the borrower's home,
b) procure a replacement or demand compensation for the value,
c) take administrative enforcement measures.

(7) The library may dispense with reminders and instead collect late fees for late return of items. If the user does not return borrowed items after expiration of the loan period within a time limit set by the library, he or she will be given a further 14 days against proof of delivery. The legal consequences of failure to comply with this deadline will be pointed out (paragraph 6).

§ 25

(1) Borrowed items may be reserved for loan or for use in the reading room.

(2) The library may limit the number of reservations to the same book and the number of reservations per user.

(3) Information about who has borrowed an item will not be provided.

V. Interlibrary Loan

§ 26
Receiving interlibrary loan

(1) Items which are not locally available may be ordered from an external library through the intermediary of the library by way of regional, German or international interlibrary loan. Borrowing shall be carried out in accordance with the provisions of the current interlibrary loan regulations, international agreements and the special conditions of the library lending the item.

(2) Orders and related requests, such as for extensions or exceptions, shall be routed through the intermediary library. Requests for extensions of time shall be limited to exceptional cases.

(3) The customer shall be notified of the receipt of an item ordered from outside the library at his own expense.

§ 27
Giving interlibrary loan

The library makes its holdings available for external interlibrary loan in accordance with the provisions of the currently valid interlibrary loan regulations.

VI. Other Provisions

§ 28
Exclusion from use

(1) If a user seriously or repeatedly violates the provisions of the library Regulations or if the continuation of a user relationship has otherwise become untenable due to the occurrence of special circumstances, the library may temporarily or permanently exclude the user, even partially, from using the library. All obligations arising from the user relationship shall remain in force after the exclusion.

(2) In the case of particularly serious violations, the library is entitled to notify other libraries of the exclusion and its justification. The right to criminal prosecution is reserved.

§ 29
Supplement to the Library Regulations

The library management is entitled to issue implementing regulations for these regulations of use.

§ 30
Entry into effect

These library regulations shall enter into legal effect on the day following their publication to the public of the university. At the same time, the Library Regulations of the University Library of 05.02.97 and of the Library of the University of Applied Sciences of Northeast Lower Saxony of 22.05.96 shall expire.


Please note:

Only the German version of these terms of use is legally binding. The English version is provided solely for information purposes.

Fee Schedule Library

Fee Schedule

List of fees as of 01.01.2005





First-time issuance of a user card



Obtaining items through interlibrary loan per order placed



Reminder per item.
The postage costs are included in the fee in each case



for the first reminder



for the second reminder



for the third reminder



Default (university libraries) per item and day,
but not more than
For the same item, late fees and overdue fines may not be charged at the same time.



Replacement of lost or destroyed library materials



Acquisition of replacement copies per item



Processing of replacement copies per item



Repair or replacement of locks after loss of a key



Replacement of lost or damaged data storage devices



“Buchdatenträger” (Book data carrier for interlibrary loans)



Library Card



Order of exclusion from use

7,50 bis 25,00


Determination of damages for library property

7,50 bis 50,00

This regulation was published in the Niedersächsischen Gesetz- und Verordnungsblatt No. 32/2004 p.454.


Please note:

Only the German version of these terms of use is legally binding. The English version is provided solely for information purposes.



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