Discussion: How white media has silenced African voices in the global environmental discussion
19. Mär
Even after establishing that no other continent will be struck as severely by the impacts of climate change, the world has only paid attention to the environment in the Global North shoving Africa to the side because it is considered "developing". One of the tools that has promoted this discrimination is the media - white media. White media has not only downplayed the effort and struggle of Africans by whitening the climate justice movement but has also robbed Africans an opportunity from contributing to the movement because it rarely recognizes progress outside its own part of the world. This unequal North-South relationship is a legacy of colonialism and white media being an extension of it, has helped countries in the Global North maintain domestic environmental standards, while exploiting “high amounts of biophysical resources from the peripheral economies in Africa.” This lecture will also explain the continuous environmental degradation by multi-national companies headquartered in the north and no accountability and scrutiny at the international level.
March 19, 2021, 6:30 p.m.
Speakers: Rebecca Mweru Kabejja & Olamide Olabimpe Olayiwola, Creative Directors of A Good Day In Africa
Zoom access:
Meeting-ID: 921 2560 5857
Kenncode: 229690
Schnelleinwahl mobil
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This event is part of the LÜNEBURG WEEKS AGAINST RACISM/ LÜNEBURGER WOCHEN GEGEN RASSISMUS taking place form March 16 – 27.03.2021.