Vortragsreihe "The Global Politics of Gender & Sexuality"

Im Wintersemester konnte unser Gastwissenschaftler Dr. Ben Trott wieder eine hochinteressante Vortragsreihe mit internationaler Expertise anbieten. Diese konnte durch die Kooperation mit dem Digital Cultures Research Lab umgesetzt werden.

Hier finden Sie die Übersicht über die folgenden Veranstaltungen:

Monday 13 November 2017, 16:15-17:45, C 3.121
Decolonizing queer citizenship: The politics of respect and the limits of liberalism in Brazil, Dr. Jan Simon Hutta

“Over the last decades, the institutionalized strands of LGBTIQ activism have sought to extend social citizenship within the framework of the liberal-democratic state. This ‘politics of inclusion’ framed around biopolitical claims to health care, marriage, safety or education has been criticised for its homonormative and homonationalist investments. What has received less attention, though, is the underlying framework of liberal governmentality, which is organized not only around biopolitical regulation, but also around Eurocentric conceptions of subjecthood and political representation. The limits of this framework have become particularly apparent in the context of the ‘modern/colonial state’ (Mignolo), which is marked by intense racialized and gendered divisions of citizenship as well as its combinations of liberal and non-liberal technologies of power and representation. Considering these formations of power and politics in the Brazilian context, the talk will discuss some of the strategies LGBTQ activists deploy where liberal subjecthood is fundamentally denied. It will call attention in particular to affective politics of respect and their connections to wider decolonial struggles.”


Monday 27 November, 18:15-19:45, C HS 5
Queer/ing Development in homo(trans)nationalist times? The ambivalent trajectory of LGBTIQ* inclusive development agendas  Dr. Christine M. Klapeer

“My presentation is concerned with the growing attention for LGBTIQ-rights in the so called ‘development industry’, particularly focusing on how LGBTIQ rights and queer subjects become articulated, framed and negotiated within EUropean development institutions. By critically interlinking insights from the field of postcolonial and ‘radical’ development studies with queer scholarship on ‘imperial’ and ‘homonationalist’ implications of transnational LGBTIQ politics I will explore how and in which ways queer struggles become entangled with the ‘project’ and rationalities of development. By proposing the term homodevelopmentalism it will be discussed how LGBTIQ-inclusive development strategies are at risk of participating in the production of a new temporal-spatial divide between a ‘sexually developed’ EUrope/West, which has to carry the (humanist) ‘burden’ of the ‘fittest’ (Spivak) to ‘develop’ and ‘modernize’ the sexually ‘backward’ and ‘homophobic’ rest (Hall). However, by interpreting development as a highly paradoxical process that is imbued with hegemonic as well as oppositional and subversive practices, spaces of failure and “slippages“ (Bhabha) I will conclude this talk by shedding light on how (LGBTIQ inclusive) development agendas can and are also being utilized for decolonial and counter-hegemonic purposes.”


Wednesday 29 November, 16:15-17:45, C HS 4
Women and Sound Handicraft under State Socialism in Poland  Prof. Andrea Bohlman

“Recent scholarship on sound technology has wrestled its sounds, materials, and labor out of the hands of omnipotent authors and inventors, locating instead these engineering and creative practices in collective networks. The project is illuminating: it empahasizes artists and technicians who work against traditional models of patronage, whether that of the state, a benefactor, or a corporation. A second crucial intervention has been to make clear the crucial importance of women "behind the scenes" and as performers, where their bodies are both instrumental and vulnerable. However, most of this theoretical work has been based in Western contexts, particularly those of late capitalism. This paper, instead, focuses on the People's Republic of Poland to ask comparative questions of state socialism. The case studies involve different musics: the electroacoustic avant garde, homemade bootleg recordings of popular music, and radio documentaries. What emerges is an emphasis on handicraft among the women makers of sounds: an understanding of agency and creativity that is insistently domestic and social.”


Tuesday 12 December, 16:15-17:45, C 40.154
#iranelection: Hashtag Solidarity and Women in the Transformation of Everyday Life   Prof. Negar Mottahedeh 

-> musste leider ausfallen


Wednesday 10 January, 6:15pm. C HS 5 (lecture hall 5)
Carnal Networks: Affective Counterpublics and the Activist Videos of #BlackLivesMatter     Dr. Chris Tedjasukmana

Fake news, filter bubbles, hate comments, and dataveillance – according to recent public debates and media theoretical discourses, contemporary public spheres face new and ongoing threats. But as plausible as the warnings against the new waves of outrage, online propaganda, and algorithmic distortions might appear, the subsequent call to reason remains reductive. It relies on the false dichotomy of reflection and affection, rationality and irrationality, and fails to acknowledge the complex affective entanglements in existing networked publics.With recourse to affect studies, media theories of the network (Galloway/Thacker, Bratton etc.), queerfeminist critiques of classical concepts of the public sphere (Butler, Warner etc.), and by reconsidering Arendt’s notion of sensus communis, the talk advocates a new understanding of publics and counterpublics in the context of digital media networks. Through close analyses of witness videos in the context of the antiracist network #BlackLivesMatter in the U.S. and other types of web video activism, the talk critically examines recent emergences of affective counterpublics and suggests an alternative framework beyond techno-optimist and techno-pessimist approaches.Dr. Chris Tedjasukmana is a film and media scholar and principal investigator of a research project on Video Activism Between Social Media and Social Movements (funded by the Volkswagen Foundation) at the Freie Universität Berlin. He is currently Fellow (Gast des Direktors) at the International Research Centre for Cultural Studies (IFK) in Vienna and co-editor of the German academic journal Montage AV. In 2014, his book Mechanical Vitalization: Aesthetic Experience in Cinema was published in German, and he received the Karsten Witte Award for Best Publication in Film Studies. Outside academia he is a member of the publishing collective Kitchen Politics: Queerfeminist Interventions.Organised by the Gender and Diversity Research Network and part of the 2017/18 winter semester lecture series, The Global Politics of Gender and Sexuality. Organised in cooperation with the Digital Cultures Research Lab.


CONTACT: Ben Trott (ben.trott@leuphana.de), Gastwissenschaftler für Gender und Intersektionalitätsforschung, Universitätsallee 1, C5.330, 21335 Lüneburg.