Philosophy minor

You can find out which mo­du­les and as­sess­ments you have to take in Philosophy mi­nor in the Sub­ject-Spe­ci­fic Sche­du­le that ap­p­lies to you.

In myStudy you will find the mo­du­le ma­nu­als, from which you can find the re­s­pon­si­ble mo­du­le co­or­di­na­tor.

For all ques­ti­ons con­cerning your Philosophy mi­nor, plea­se con­tact the re­s­pon­si­ble con­tact per­son of your major in the Stu­dent Ser­vices.

Study-relevant Documents

Subject-specific schedule

Changes to the General Assessment Regulations (RPO) or the subject-specific schedule (FSA) are announced via the “Gazette”, the university's official gazette.

To the official gazette

General Assessment Regulations

Changes to the General Assessment Regulations (RPO) or the subject-specific schedule (FSA) are announced via the “Gazette”, the university's official gazette.

To the official gazette

Information and Forms

Exam registration

Registration for all examinations takes place online via the university information system.

The registration period begins on the first day of the lecture period and ends on November 15 in the winter semester and May 15 in the summer semester. You can withdraw from an examination via myCampus up to 3 working days before the examination date or the examination phase without giving reasons.

The only exception is the Combined Academic Paper examination form. Here, the above-mentioned withdrawal can be excluded without giving reasons. This is already announced when the course and examination offer is made available in myStudy. In any case, create a PDF printout of the registrations you have made. If a registration does not work, please contact your responsible exam administrator within the registration deadline.

Exam registration: myCampus

Instructions for using myCampus

The button “To exam registration” appears. Click on the button to open the exam registration screen. In the registration screen, select the relevant degree program and the context in which the exam is to be taken and credited.  Open the selection menu “Select curriculum context” or use the “My studies” application. 

Another click on the “Register” button confirms the entries and saves the examination registration.

If it is not possible to register within the specified registration deadlines, you can use the attached form and submit it to Student Services within the registration deadline.

Exam registration form

Recognition of examination results

Contact persons

Programnme Director

  • Prof. Dr. Roberto Nigro

Assessment matters

Examination Office (Student Services)
Building 8, 2nd floor
Universitätsallee 1, 21335 Lüneburg
Opening hours
Term time: Mon, Tue, Thu 10-12 h and Thu 14-15 h
Term break: Thu 10-12 h and 14-15 h

Initial Information

Information Office (Infoportal)
Building 8, ground floor
Universitätsallee 1, 21335 Lüneburg
Fon +49.4131.677-2277
Opening hours
Term time & term break:
Mon - Thu 9 - 16 h
Fr 9 - 12 h