Gastvortrag und Podiumsdiskussion: Reassembling work and organizing in the age of digitalization

29. Nov

Auf Einladung von Prof. Dr. Dennis Schoeneborn werden Prof. Timothy R. Kuhn von der Universität Colorado Boulder und Prof. Dan Kärreman von der Copenhagen Business School einen Gastvortrag mit anschließender Podiumsdiskussion zum Thema "Reassembling work and organizing in the age of digitalization" halten. Die Veranstaltung wird durch eine Forschungszusammenarbeit mit der BI Norwegian Business School in Oslo über das Thema "Future ways of working in digital economies" gefördert und durch das Zentrum für Digitale Kulturen (Centre for Digital Cultures) an der Leuphana Universität unterstützt. Alle Interessierten sind herzlich eingeladen. Eine Anmeldung ist bis 22.11.2018 bei Frau Susanne Weerda ( erwünscht. Raum: Hauptcampus Hörsaal 5, Hörsaalgang Beginn: 12:15 Uhr

12:15 - 12:20:
Beginn & Opening

Abstract Prof. Kuhn:
12:20 - 12:45
Communicative relationality: On theproduction of ‘value’ in the new (digital) economy

The ‘new economy’ frames communication as vital to both the conduct of work and to organizational success (as seen in, for instance, communicative and immaterial labour, knowledge work, branding, networked publics, and algorithmic culture). Organization studies scholars tend to be fascinated by these changes, but often struggle with how to approach them. I offer a response termed ‘communicative relationality,’ a framework that transcends stark and longstanding dichotomies marking social/material and human/nonhuman relations. Employing an illustration drawn from an ethnographic study of an entrepreneurial startup accelerator focused on digital innovation, I extract alternative routes to understanding contemporary forms of working and organizing. Those routes develop unique insights on how the production of ‘value’ in the new economy reproduces enduring socioeconomic inequities, as well as how organizational action moves virally through complex sociomaterial networks.

Abstract Prof. Kärreman:
12:45 - 13:10
Coworking spaces and organizationality
This research investigates coworking spaces as organizational phenomena. Based on an ethnographic study of betahaus in Berlin, we demonstrate how coworking spaces not only provide a sense of community but also pattern the work activities of their members. We make sense of this finding by drawing on the emergent literature on organizationality. Our contribution is twofold. First, we challenge current understandings of coworking spaces as neutral containers for independent work. Instead, we show how coworking incorporates the disposition of becoming organizational; that is, coworking spaces can frame and organize work and may even provide a basis for collective action. Second, we add to research on organizing outside traditional organizations by drawing attention to the complex and shifting interplay of formal and informal relationships in such settings. In so doing, we inform current debates about new forms of organization and organizing.

Panel Discussion/Podiumsdiskussion:
13:10 - 13:45

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