Museums, Transculturality, and the Nation-State (Hg. von Susanne Leeb und Nina Samuel)

Buchpräsentation und Diskussion am 29. Mai 11:30, Hamburger Bahnhof, Berlin

29. Mai

While the nation-state gave rise to the advent of museums, its influence in times of transculturality and post-/decolonial studies appears to have vanished. But is this really the case? With case studies from various geo- and sociopolitical contexts from around the globe, the contributors investigate which roles the nation-state continues to play in museums, collections, and heritage. They answer the question to which degree the nation-state still determines practices of collection and circulation and its amount of power to shape contemporary narratives. The volume thus examines the contradictions at play when the necessary claim for transculturality meets the institutions of the nation-state.

With contributions by Stanislas Spero Adotevi, Sebastián Eduardo Dávila, Natasha Ginwala, Monica Hanna, Rajkamal Kahlon, Suzana Milevska, Mirjam Shatanawi, Kavita Singh, Ruth Stamm, Andrea Witcomb.

Das Buch erscheint als Abschlusspublikation des Projektes PriMus (Promovieren im Museum), Leuphana Universität Lüneburg.