Master in Environmental Law: Sustainability Law – Energy, Resources, Environment
Sustainability Law - Energy Law - Resources Law
The programme is offered in the German language and is thus directed at prospective students with a good command of German. The programme’s German-language web pages provide detailed information needed on the content of the course and application procedures.
As from October 2016, the Professional School at the Leuphana University of Lüneburg is offering an LL.M programme in Sustainability Law, Energy, Resources, and Environment addressing working professionals. This Master of Laws in the field of sustainability law provides comprehensive knowledge not only of classical environmental law, but also of present-day sustainability law, essentially energy and resources law.
At a glance
Degree: Master of Laws (LL.M.)
Credit Points: 60
Length of Study: 3 terms extra-occupational
Language: German, some courses in English language
Study Places: 25
Start Date: in October
Application Deadline: July 31
Costs: 9.960 Euro plus the current term contribution of 210 Euro per term plus possible supplementary costs for the project module, instalment payments possible
Programme Director: Prof. Dr. Thomas Schomerus
In addition, an interdisciplinary connection between law and related subjects relevant to practitioners, such as ecology, economy and technology, prepares the graduates for the task of solving legal problems, using their knowledge of economics to conduct comprehensive analyses and assessments, thus providing them with the means to place complex environmental matters into a wider context to generate sound and practical solutions.
Legal practitioners, who are active in their profession, and wish to undergo continuing education in the field of environmental law, in particular energy and resources law, have found the right place in the programme on Sustainability Law – Energy, Resources, Environment LL.M.
A wide range of career opportunities, thanks to the LL.M. in Sustainability Law
The Master of Laws Degree in the Sustainability – Energy, Resources, and Environmental Law Program
- imparts comprehensive competencies in the field of environmental law primarily focused on energy and resources protection law
- transforms you into a qualified, innovative expert in possession of the relevant professional skills, which enable you to guide the transformation process by accompanying legal counseling in the energy and resources sector
- provides you with the understanding required for the interdisciplinary link-ups to neighboring disciplines, which enables you to recognize the practical proximity to daily professional life
Admission requirements and application
Who can profit from the extra-occupational Masters Degree in Environmental Law?
The continuing-education Degree Programme in Sustainability Law – Energy, Resources, Environment LL.M. is aimed at university graduates of all ages, wishing to enhance their professional situation by a task-specific qualification in environmental law. You hold a degree in law, business law or economics or environmental sciences, economics, business studies or engineering with sufficient emphasis on law and have been employed in relevant practice for at least one year.
The Masters Degree in Sustainability Law is the perfect fit not only for lawyers but also for practitioners working for public authorities or enterprises, where knowledge related to environmental, energy, and resources protection law is necessary for success within a competitive world.
The programme represents, likewise, an attractive opportunity for trainee lawyers to acquire further vocational qualifications in parallel with compulsory practice training specifically addressing sustainability law.
Students who have successfully completed the Masters Programme have the possibility to pursue doctoral studies.
Course of study: Week-end attendance paves the way to the LL.M.
The extra-occupational (part-time) Master of Laws is so conceived that all the lectures take place at weekends, allowing the preparation or follow-up on the content between attendance phases. The learning material (textbooks, lecture notes, e-learning resources) is designed to enable preparation for study and study after the event. This method allows an optimal combination of study and active professional life.
This programme received external accreditation by the FIBAA.
Contact & Advising
Dr. Katrin Klitzke
Universitätsallee 1, C11.207
21335 Lüneburg
Fon +49.4131.677-1304
E-mail contact
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