Frequently Asked Questions about the Guest Auditor Programme

Before you start with the guest auditor programme, you may have a number of questions. We have compiled answers to frequently asked questions for you on this page. If you do not find what you are looking for here, please feel free to contact us personally at any time.

FAQ: Guest Auditors

  • Who can I contact if I have any questions?
  • What are the costs for participating in the guest auditor programme?
  • How can I register for the guest auditor programme?
  • How does the online registration via MyCampus work?
  • What is myStudy, why do I need it and how do I register for it?
  • Can I also take exams as a guest auditor?
  • Where will my course take place?
  • When can I participate in a course as a guest auditor?

FAQ: Guest Auditors

Who can I contact if I have any questions?

For general questions about the guest auditor programme and enrollment:

For specific questions about enrollment and exams:

What are the costs for participating in the guest auditor programme?

The costs for your participation in the guest auditor programme depend on the number of semester hours per week you take.

The fee for up to 4 semester hours per week (SWS) is 102.00 euros per semester. If you wish to take more than 4 SWS, you will pay a fee of 153.00 euros per semester.

How can I register for the guest auditor programme?

Step 1: Select the courses you would like to attend from the course catalogue for guest auditors.

Step 2: The online registration portal at opens a few weeks before each lecture begins. Fill out the online application completely and carefully and submit it online.

In addition to your personal details, we need the event number (for example 30-1066583), which you will find in bold print behind the title of the event in the guest auditor directory. You can find detailed instructions on how to fill out the online application in the section "How does online registration via MyCampus work?" here in the FAQ section.

Step 3: The Infoportal will check your registration and inform you by e-mail about the amount of the guest auditor fee. Please then transfer the amount to the bank account specified in the e-mail.

Step 4: After successful receipt of payment, you will receive your guest auditor's certificate by mail. In addition, you will receive the access data for your Leuphana account and Leuphana mail account by e-mail/SMS. If you were already a guest student in the previous semester, you can use your existing Leuphana account from the previous semester.

With your Leuphana account you can access the digital university platform myStudy, where you can get an overview of your attended courses and all important information about your courses.

In the mailbox of your Leuphana mail account you will find all important messages from myStudy, Moodle and events. You can log in to your mail account via our mailhost website.

Attention: After receipt of payment it may take 2-3 working days until you are registered in myStudy for your booked events. During this time, you will not yet see them in your MyStudy schedule and will not yet have access to materials or communications from the events.
Please create your MyStudy account early, as we will not be able to register you for your events in MyStudy until you create your account.

How does the online registration via MyCampus work?

If you were already a guest student at Leuphana last semester

If you were a guest student at Leuphana last semester, you can log in to Mycampus with your access data (Leuphana code and password) from the previous semester. Open the corresponding page and click on "Login with Leuphana Account". Enter your Leuphana abbreviation and password to log in.

A video tutorial on how to use the MyCampus system is available.

If you were not a guest student at Leuphana last semester

If you were not a guest student at Leuphana last semester, you must first create a basic account for the application. A video tutorial on how to use the MyCampus system is also available.

You will need to go through the following steps:

  1. Open the page and click on "Start Registration!" in the area on the left.
  2. Fill out the form: Enter your full legal first and last name, exactly as it appears on your ID or passport. Also enter your gender, date of birth and your e-mail address (Attention: Each applicant needs an individual e-mail address at this point, it is not possible to use the same e-mail address for several applicants). The fields outlined in yellow are mandatory fields.
  3. Click on "confirm data" in the bottom right corner to receive a registration link by e-mail.
  4. In your mailbox you will now find a mail with a link: Your username is automatically generated by the system and corresponds to a random combination of numbers and letters.
  5. Use the link to define a personal password and click on "Confirm Data". Your application account will be created and an overview of your account data will be displayed. You can use this access data to call up your application profile.
  6. Click on "continue" below or alternatively go to and log in under the tab "Login for applicants and guests" with your user name and the password you have set yourself.

Steps in MyCampus

After you have logged in to MyCampus

  1. Click on "my applications
  2. Fill out the online application to the end and follow the instructions. Navigate through the online application using the "Next" and "Back" fields on the bottom right. The fields outlined in yellow are required fields. You can jump back to fields you have already worked on at any time using the titles in the left margin.
    1. Start of study: Select the appropriate semester
    2. Selection of study programme: Select the visiting degree programme and the number of SWS. Select "no degree". The two fields regarding previous studies are not mandatory for registering for the guest student programme.
    3. Personal data: Enter your personal data
    4. Correspondence address: Enter your correspondence address, mobile phone number and e-mail address. Attention: Each applicant needs an individual mail address at this point, using the same mail address for several applicants is not possible.
    5. Home address: Enter your home address
    6. Open lecture hall: Please indicate here which courses you would like to attend: Enter the event number, the title of the event and the lecturer. All information can be found in the guest auditorium directory.
    7. Proof of university entrance qualification: You do not need a university entrance qualification to register for the Open Lecture Hall. You can simply skip this section by clicking "continue".
  3. At the end, you will be shown a preview of all your entries. Check the control view for correctness.
  4. Confirm the statements at the end of the control view with the check boxes and click "send" at the bottom right to submit your application.
  5. If you were not a guest student in the last semester, you will be asked to confirm your e-mail address/mobile phone number to obtain a Leuphana account.

After submitting the application in MyCampus

After you have submitted your application in MyCampus:

  1. The Infoportal will check your application and inform you by e-mail about the amount of the guest student fee. Then transfer the amount to the bank account specified in the e-mail.
  2. After successful receipt of payment you will receive your guest auditor's certificate by mail. In addition, you will receive the access data for your Leuphana account and Leuphana mail account by e-mail/SMS. If you were already a guest student in the previous semester, you can use your existing Leuphana account from the previous semester.

With your Leuphana account you can access the digital university platform myStudy, where you can get an overview of your attended courses and all important information about your courses.

In the mailbox of your Leuphana mail account you will find all important messages from myStudy, Moodle and events. You can log in to your mail account via the mailhost website.

What is myStudy, why do I need it and how do I register for it?

On myStudy (learning and information platform of the university) you will find all important information about your courses, such as dates, locations and organizational matters. In addition, the lecturers usually provide the materials for the course there and inform you about current changes.

Registration on myStudy

Step 1: You will receive the initial access data for your Leuphana account (user name and initial password) with your letter of confirmation of successful enrollment in the guest audition programme. Please activate your account by accessing the portal, clicking on "Activate Account" and then on "Activate Leuphana Account". During the activation process, replace your initial password with a password of your own choosing.

Step 2: To set up a myStudy account, please visit the website. Click on the button "Start login". Enter the access data of your Leuphana account and click on "Login". A data overview will then be displayed, which you confirm by clicking "Accept". In the next step, select the option "You do not have a myStudy account yet" and follow the further steps. Please read the terms of use in particular and accept them afterwards.

Step 3: After completing the account creation, you will automatically be logged into myStudy for the first time. Do not forget to log out by clicking on your user name or profile picture when you leave myStudy.

Step 4: To log in to myStudy in the future, simply click on the "Start Login" button on

Further information: On the right side of the myStudy homepage you will also find the userguide for guest students, which contains detailed instructions for myStudy.

Due to the course of events, there may still be changes to the data listed in the course catalog before the start of the semester. As a service for you and for better planning, it is also possible to view the course data on myStudy prior to enrollment via guest access to myStudy. To do this, simply click on "Guest access" on the left on

Can I also take exams as a guest auditor?

Guest auditors can take examinations with the approval of the responsible module supervisor. Please have your lecturer confirm in writing that you are allowed to take the exam using the application form from our download section („Antrag Prüfungsleistung“ only available in German).

The successfully completed examination is certified by the Leuphana University. This certificate confirms that the successfully completed examination was taken as a guest auditor and not as a member of the university.

A separate fee of 25 euros per credit point (CP) is charged for the examination. The registration deadline for examinations is 15 May in the summer semester and 15 November in the winter semester.

Please be sure to read the detailed "Anleitung zur Prüfungsanmeldung" and the "Antrag zur Prüfungsanmeldung".

Where will my course take place?

You can find the information about the location of your course in the course catalogue for guest auditors or on the myStudy website. In myStudy under the tab "Information" in the section "Dates", course dates, time and room number of the lecture hall are listed (e.g. H3 or C40.256). If you click on the room number, you will get more information about the location, size and equipment of the room.

When can I participate in a course as a guest auditor?

As soon as you have transferred your guest auditor fee and received your guest auditor's license from the Infoportal, you may attend your courses.

Attention: After receipt of payment it can take 2-3 working days until you are registered in myStudy for your booked events. During this time you will not yet see them in your myStudy timetable and will not yet have access to materials or notifications of the events.

Please create your myStudy account early (see above), because we can only register you for your events after account creation.

The winter semester begins on October 1, the summer semester on April 1. You can find information on the start of lectures here.

Please note that some courses are held as block seminars or generally start at a later date. The exact starting times of the individual courses can be found in the course catalogue or on myStudy.

Contact & Advising

Consultation possibilties

If you have any questions about the guest auditor programme, please send an e-mail to or call during office hours to

Dr. Annika Weinert-Brieger
Universitätsallee 1
21335 Lüneburg
Fon +49.4131.677-7921

Office hours by telephone

  • Tuesdays: 17:00 - 19:00
  • Wednesdays: 10:00 - 12:00
  • Thursdays. 10:00 - 12:00

Contact for registration

If you have any questions about registration, please contact the Infoportal by phone or e-mail:

Fon +49.4131.677-2277
Fax +49.4131.677-2266