Professional study in social work

Social Work - Social Education

The programme is offered in the German language and is thus directed at prospective students with a good command of German. The programme’s German-language web pages provide detailed information needed on the content of the course and application procedures.

The professional Bachelor’s Programme in Social Work for Pre-School Teachers opens up new career opportunities for you in the broad range of fields in social work and social education. The Bachelor’s Programme in Social Work for Pre-School Teachers is designed such that several of the substantive components of a student's pre-school teacher traineeship can be recognised for two semesters’ credit in the programme. As a result, you can pursue your Bachelor’s degree in Social Work extra-occupationally, with completion in just seven semesters. We recommend part-time employment for the optimum balance of career and studies, to ensure successful graduation within the prescribed period of study. The degree also offers you the option of acquiring state certification as a social worker.

©Anne Gabriel-Jürgens
Professional Bachelor programme Social work for pre-school teachers

Content: Discover social work for yourself!

As a candidate for the Bachelor’s in this extra-occupational programme, the areas of focus of your studies include:

  • Economic conditions of social work
  • Methodical intervention
  • Public-health aspects of social work
  • Legal framework
  • Continuing development of your personal skills

You will receive a professional insight into a large part of the work areas in the field of social work, as even in the course of your studies you gain an impression of which field best suits your own inclinations and skills.

Social work Bachelor programme with innovative degree structure

The Social Work Bachelor builds on aspects of your original qualification, and the innovative programme structure allows a total of 40 credit points (CP) and two semesters to be recognised for your pre-school teacher training. This means that you only need to obtain a total of 140 CP over the seven semesters to pass the course (instead of the 180 CP specified for a Bachelor degree).

Admission requirements and application

To whom is the programme directed?

The Bachelor’s Programme in Social Work for Pre-School Teachers is designed for state-certified pre-school teachers with at least three years’ career experience.

The Bachelor’s degree from Leuphana University of Lüneburg is an internationally recognised university degree and qualifies the recipient e.g. for classification in a higher grade of civil service for employers in the public sector.

Course of study: Study for the Bachelor in Social Sciences at weekends

To study on the extra-professional Bachelor in Social Sciences means attending an average of monthly a two-day classes in Lüneburg (Friday and Saturday). In addition, in the course of study for social work, you can complete a three-week attendance period in the form of educational leave.

At a glance

Degree: Bachelor of Arts (B.A.)
Credit Points: 180
Length of Study: 7 terms extra-occupational
Language: German
Study Places: 40
Start Date: in October
Application Deadline: July 15
Costs: 9100 Euro plus the current term contribution of 200 Euro per term, instalment payments possible
Programme Director: Prof. Dr. Angelika Henschel

Contact & Advising

Dipl. Soz.Arb/Soz.Päd. Kristin Eschrich (MSM)
Wilschenbrucher Weg 84, W.036
21335 Lüneburg
Fon +49.4131.677-7821

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