Study & further education: IT, digitalisation and AI

Shape the digital change

The rapid development of technology is influencing all aspects of our daily lives and transforms the way companies operate. In today's era of digitalisation, there is no way for companies, specialists and managers to avoid dealing with digital change and artificial intelligence (AI). In-depth knowledge in the areas of IT, digitalisation and AI makes it possible to utilise the potential of new technologiesto achieve increases in efficiency, innovations and competitive advantages.

With an part-time degree programme or continuing education courses, you will gain the necessary skills and understanding to prepare your company and yourself for a successful future in a digital world.

IT, digitalisation and AI courses at the Leuphana Professional School ©Leuphana/Marie Meyer
IT, digitalisation and AI courses at the Leuphana Professional School

Studying digitalisation - theory and action orientation in research, teaching and transfer

As key transformation processes of our time, digitalisation and digital transformation are also the focus of research, teaching and transfer at Leuphana - and you will benefit from these activities in the part-time courses on IT and digitalisation at the Professional School. Future-oriented developments such as artificial intelligence, Industry 4.0 and 5G are the subject of research at several professorships at Leuphana, while research centres and research focal points also focus on digital transformation.

Innovative technologies are incorporated into degree programmes through offerings such as the Learning Factory or the Digital Innovation Lab, and Leuphana was able to position itself as an innovative university in the areas of digital teachingand learning long before the pandemic-induced shift towards digital teaching. Ultimately, the Professional School has many years of expertise in digital infrastructure and e-learning and focuses on the further development of hybrid teaching with modern equipment and research projects.

Further information on digitalisation at Leuphana

Modular programmes

Thanks to the modular structure of our degree courses and certificates, you can book various modules from the fields of digitalisation and IT individually on our continuing education portal or combine them flexibly to create your own individual certificate course.

Initial contact & communication

Prospective students

Jelka Mau
Universitätsallee 1, C40.115
21335 Lüneburg
Fon +49.4131.677-2240

Companies & Organisations

Caroline Hellbrügge
Universitätsallee 1, C40.115
21335 Lüneburg
Fon +49.4131.677-2986

Marie-Sophie Sentker
Universitätsallee 1, C40.116
21335 Lüneburg
Fon +49.4131.677-4076

Continuing education office

Jana Treptow
Universitätsallee 1, C40.119
21335 Lüneburg
Fon +49.4131.677-2972