Certificate International Cultural Management: Contents

Your qualification in Arts and Cultural Management in Transition

In this certificate course, you can choose from a total of 3 of the 5 modules offered. Each is worth 5 credit points. The modules of this course are conducted by the Goethe Institute and examine the impact of the current transformation process on cultural institutions around the world at the university's master's level.

The modules in the Certificate International Cultural Management in Transition

  • Culture & Transformation (5 CP) - elective
  • Culture & Cooperation (5 CP) - elective
  • Participation, Diversity & Empowerment (5 CP) - elective
  • Culture & Sustainability (5 CP) - elective
  • Culture & Digitality (5 CP) - elective

The modules in the Certificate International Cultural Management in Transition

Culture & Transformation (5 CP) - elective

This module introduces the topic of current challenges in international cultural management, which you will learn to recognise and assess. Globalisation, digitalisation and the social role of cultural management and cultural managers are central topics.

Lecturer: Dr. Patrick Föhl
Dates: Annually (May - Jun), exact dates on request

Course content

  • What is transformation (for you)?
  • What does transformation mean for your work?
  • How to deal with transformation?
  • Your role in transformation processes and final reflection

Learning outcomes and competencies

  • Understand the different transformation processes, how they occur and how they affect the cultural sphere
  • Understanding the role, influence and responsibility of culture, as well as cultural policy and management in the process of social, political and economic transformation
  • Ability to position yourself in terms of your role as a cultural manager in a changing world

Culture & Cooperation (5 CP) - elective

In this module, the topic of global challenges is further deepened and linked to strategic cooperation opportunities. After completing this module, you will understand the forms and characteristics of cultural cooperation at different levels and integrate them into strategic concepts.

Lecturer: Claire Burnill-Maier
Dates: Annually (Nov – Jan), exact dates on request

Course content

  • What is meant by ‘cooperation’?
  • Theories of cooperation, instrumentality and value
  • Understanding cooperation and coopetition
  • Identifying partners

Learning outcomes and competencies

  • Understanding the rationale for undertaking cooperative projects
  • Ability to identify potential actors and / or projects and with actors from adjacent fields into the context of the current social transformation – both nationally and internationally
  • Ability to independently develop prototypes of cooperation and also experiment with new organizational and network concepts
  • Students will have gained an interdisciplinary understanding of how this field is developing internationally
  • Understanding the relevance of aspects including “coopetition” and “co-creation”

Participation, Diversity & Empowerment (5 CP) - elective

In this module, the social role of cultural management is further explored and considered in terms of participatory approaches. You will learn how to implement a participatory approach inside and outside cultural organisations, how to create engagement opportunities for visitors and staff and how to contribute to the community building process.

Lecturers: Beth Ponte
Dates: Annually (Mar-May), exact dates on request

Course content

  • Introduction: Who are we? Are we empowered? What are our frames of reference?
  • Key terminology and concepts of participation, empowerment, and diversity
  • Case studies on participatory/community arts/co-creation Projects
  • Cultural equity and how to achieve creative justice
  • Empowerment strategies
  • Leadership
  • Social impact/value assessment

Learning outcomes and competencies

  • Understand the key terminology and concepts of transcultural management
  • Outline the development of community engagement and distinguish it from audience development
  • Learn about different empowerment strategies
  • Examine the theoretical issues of cultural equity and Creative Justice and apply them to different organisations
  • Reflect critically on the evaluation and the assessment of cultural impact
  • Consider future challenges particularly but not exclusively in the context of digitisation for the sector and how to deal with them
  • Self-critical reflection on your leadership style and prejudices

Culture & Sustainability (5 CP) - elective

In this module you will learn about different forms of sustainable cultural management on an economic, social and ecological level and develop techniques to implement them in cultural organisations or projects.

Lecturer: Prof. Dr. Annett Baumast
Dates: Annually (Feb-Mar), exact dates on request

Course content

  • Sustainability with a focus on environmental and social sustainability as well as the political framework for sustainability
  • Concepts of Culture and sustainable development; possible roles of culture and the cultural sector in sustainable development
  • On the ground: Guidelines for a more environmentally and socially sustainable practice in the cultural sector

Learning outcomes and competencies

  • Know and understand sustainability and the central idea of ​​discourse that accompanies it
  • Know and understand the political regime around sustainability
  • Understand the possible roles of culture and the cultural sector in the sustainability discourse and practice
  • Be able to build an argument for making cultural productions and practice more environmentally and socially sound
  • Get to know dimensions and practical advice on how to develop cultural projects as well as everyday routines in the cultural sector towards more environmental and social sustainability
  • Developing strategies for more ecological and social sustainability of existing or planned projects

Culture & Digitality (5 CP) - elective

In this interdisciplinary module, you will think through the conditions and consequences of digital transformation processes on cultural production and reception. In addition, the changing role and relevance of cultural actors in the digital state will be addressed, as well as how they can contribute to the social process of meaning-making in the digital transformation.

Lecturer: Christian Holst & Dr. Marguerite Rumpf
Dates: Annually (Aug - Sep), exact dates on request

Course content
One problem facing young fields of knowledge and research is that a uniform terminology must first emerge. This is not yet the case for digitality: In this case, the same terms are used differently and different terms are sometimes used synonymously.

  • first phase: we will develop a uniform understanding of the terms and deal with the basic technical concepts of the digital
  • second phase: we go into more detail and deal with concrete options, tools and modes of digitality. We reflect on how these can be applied and made beneficial in the cultural sector, i.e. how cultural players can make sense of the digital transformation for themselves
  • third phase: we address the question of how cultural players can give sense in the societal process of digital transformation. How can they take on a leading role as inspiration and contribute to positive and constructive perspectives for the digital transformation of society as a whole?

Learning outcomes and competencies
After completing the module students

  • will be familiar with basic theoretical concepts about digital transformation
  • are aware of major effects of digital transformation on artistic production and consumption
  • are able to reflect on major opportunities and risks of digital transformation in relation to artistic production and consumption
  • feel confident to lead digital transformation in their field of expertise

Contact & Advising


Christian Holst
Universitätsallee 1, C6.217
21335 Lüneburg
Fon +49.4131.677-2534


Sabine Engel
Universitätsallee 1, C6.217
21335 Lüneburg
Fon +49.4131.677-1858

E-mail contact

Please feel free to contact the team of the study programme via macuma.info@leuphana.de or the team of our cooperation partner via macuma.info@goethe.de.