Human Rights: Certificate course

Further education Human Rights at Master's level

Establishing, expanding and preserving human rights is and remains a special challenge in which many different aspects must be taken into account. With our two-semester English-language certificate programme Human Rights at Master's level, you will benefit from a compact overview of various facets in the fight for more human rights worldwide. In the online-based certificate programme with individual attendance dates, you will familiarise yourself with current challenges, actors involved, groups under threat, monitoring mechanisms and forms of reporting, among other things, in order to contribute to the protection of human rights with a broad knowledge background.

Next dates: July 31st, 2024: Application deadline // October 2024: Next study start

At a glance

Degree: Certificate of Advanced Studies (CAS)
Credit Points: 15
Length of study: 2 semesters
Language: English
Start date: in October
Application deadline: 31 July
Costs: 2.460 EUR plus the current term contribuation of 210 EUR

Order information material

Continuing education Human Rights: Contents

The certificate programme Human Rights comprises two modules from the Master Governance and Human Rights:

  • Contemporary Challenges of Governance and Human Rights Application (5 ECTS): Business and Human Rights, Governance and Human Rights in the Digital Age
  • Human Rights Institutions, Mechanisms and Transitional Justice (10 ECTS): Human Rights Institutions and Mechanisms, Human Rights Reporting and Monitoring

Further information on the course content

English-language certificate programme in Human Rights ©Leuphana/Merle Busch
English-language certificate programme in Human Rights

Certificate course Human Rights: Online Learning

Online study with classroom attendance

Your continuing education in the Practices of Sustainable Chemistry certificate will take place predominantly online during the 3 semesters of study. This format allows you the greatest possible flexibility in your continuing education. At the beginning of the certificate study programme, you will complete a face-to-face block week in Lüneburg, which offers you the opportunity for interdisciplinary exchange and networking. Throughout the course of your studies, our learning platform is available to you online around the clock.

The degree for your certificate programme

You can choose whether you want to take exams as part of the certificate programme and thus acquire a university certificate and proof of credit points at the end. You can also take the certificate without taking exams and receive a certificate of attendance at the end.

Good reasons for the certificate programme

  • Extensive interdisciplinary expertise for the protection of human rights worldwide
  • extra-occupational training at Master's level
  • diverse international networking opportunities
  • only two semesters
  • high flexibility through online learning
  • direct exchange with renowned lecturers from academia and practice
  • Open to applicants from all disciplines
  • Personal counselling and support

Offers for prospective students

If you are interested in the Human Rights certificate but still have questions, please feel free to arrange a personal counselling interview or take advantage of one of our other information and counselling services:

Application: Your path to the certificate Human Rights

The Human Rights Certificate Programme starts in the winter semester of each year. Applications are possible until 31 July of each year.

You must meet the following entry requirements for admission to the certificate programme:

  • Completed university degree
  • at least one year of relevant professional experience
  • advanced knowledge of English
Start your application now

Contact & Advising


Dr. Annika Weinert-Brieger
Universitätsallee 1
21335 Lüneburg
Fon +49.4131.677-7921

E-mail Contact

Please feel free to contact us via